|6| Kaz's bedroom

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"Do you have bread left?" An elderly woman, who was way too old to be in a bar like theirs, came up to the counter.

"Sorry ma'am. We sold out. Tell you what, I'll make a new batch tonight just for you." Danielle smiled sweetly to the woman.

"Alright then." The elder waddled away and out the door.

Kaz limped over to her once the woman was officially gone. "No more goods?" He smirked. He new she accidentally puts the flour over and now there's only enough for, at most, one more loaf.

"Shut up." She pushed his shoulder back. He snickered lightly, not wanting to show his amusement to anyone else but her.

"It's late, I'm heading up to bed." She undid her apron. "Join me?"

"Nah. I'm going to make a few more rounds then I will."

She walked up to her room, right next to Kaz. She never slept in there though, she sleeps with Kaz in his huge bed. She grabbed a nightgown and changed then she slipped on her evening shoes and walked to his room/office. When she got there, she sat on his bed and took off her shoes. She then tucked herself in. A few minutes later, she was out like a light.


Jesper and Inej along with Kaz were sat at the counter of the pub having their morning tea and coffee by the time Danielle woke up. She had walked down and saw the three of them sitting.

She made herself some tea and sat next to Jesper.

"So, Danny." Inej started.

"Hm?" The blonde hummed as a response.

"Why were you in Kaz' bedroom last night. And in his bed might I add."

Jesper cackled and jumped in his seat. "Oh this is rich! Do explain!"

"Thanks Inej." Danny glared at the Suli girl who was trying not to laugh. "Why were you snooping?" She countered. Jesper looked over to her.


"Shut up Jesper." The three said all together.

"Right. Sorry." Jesper looked down, his undone hair covered one of his eyes.

"I was going to go in to discuss something with Kaz when i saw you in his bed."

"Fully clothed. Asleep. Him not there." Danielle added. "Right?"

"I- well yeah. But why were you there."

"Because that's where she sleeps every night." Kaz snapped. Everyone shut up. "I let her. She doesn't do it with out my permission. Leave it alone." Kaz gulped down the rest of his tea and slammed the cup on the table. He then took his crow headed cane and took off to saints knows where.

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