|23| healing

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They all met up at a fountain where a random carriage was parked. Danielle noticed that Inej wasn't there. "Inej! Where's Inej?" She had asked Jesper as he was there first.

He shrugged. "I don't know." They all started to worry. Inej was important to all of them. Wether she is a sister to you or a friend to you. There was a grunt heard from behind them. Inej dropped, holding her side.

"The Inferni, she's dead." She told them panting. "Saints..."

"Well you can't manage a horse." Jesper said as he held her up. "Not even riding double. We'll have to come up with another plan."

"That a pretty nice ride." Kaz said as he looked at the dark black carriage.

"Yes, indeed it is." Jesper caught onto what Kaz was thinking. Kaz walked over and Jesper pulled Inej along. Danny went to the other side of Inej to hold her up. They switched spots when Jesper walked away to open the carriage doors. "Oh. Hello." From inside of the carriage, a book was thrown at him.

The Durast jumped out of the carriage and Kaz swung his broken cane agasint his head to knock him out. Danielle flinched as he fell to the grassy ground. Jesper went across from the other side, into the carriage, then out where the three were standing.

"He threw a book at me." He complained. Danny giggled. She then helped Inej into the compartment followed by Jesper. Kaz went to the front to drive them.


Inej sat on a bench in a barn they found in an secluded area. Kaz set down his broken cane and the last of their coins on a table near her. Danny stood by Inej and Jesper stood by the table.

"Is this all we have left?" Inej breathed out. She tried to sit up but Elle pushed her down gently.

"No no. Lay down please. Jesper can you please get my bag." She lifted Inej's shirt to see the wound. "Oh dear."

Jesper gagged when he saw it. "Mother of saints." He cleared his throat and sat in a rickety old chair by the girls.

Danielle opened her bag and pulled out a bandage wrap. She collected access blood on her abdomen and placed it down. She pulled out her hands and began to heal her. Her hands moving over her body, slowly sticking her skin together.

"How long before she can travel?" Kaz asked Danielle. She stopped working for a moment.

"Not long, why? Where are we going?"

"Ketterdam." The bastard said with hesitation. She stopped her actions and turned to him with shock evident in her eyes. Jesper and Inej too looked at him shocked.

He continued, "between our dwindling funds, lack of time and conflicting interests, it's time we cut our losses." He then walked out of the barn.

"I guess the Bastard misses the Barrel." Jesper said as his hands rested in his hips. He shook his head disbelievingly.

Danny too shook her head with disbelief and started to work on Inej again. Jesper gagged again. "You can watch a bullet tear through a man but skin stitching together is too much?"

He distracted himself by inspecting Kaz' broken cane. "It- yeah, well you see, bullets are bam! In and out. That's... that's just-" he gagged again. Danny was almost done healing her.

"Alright. Just a little... there. You're done." Elle smiled up at Inej. She picked up the clothes beside her and licked it to clean the dried blood off. "Feel better?"

"Much. Thank you Danny."

"Of course."

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