|7| black veil

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The four watched as Jesper and Wylan walked out from behind a large tomb. "Assuming you got ambushed too?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah, so many of them I lost count." Nina responded as she held up an injured Inej.

"I got what I needed. And Wylan's bombs took care of the rest." Kaz said walking in front of the group, ignoring the obvious complaint in Nina's voice. He opened a door to an empty Sepulcher.

"Let's get you inside." Danielle said softly to Inej. She ushered her in carefully and Nina followed suit. "Come, sit here." Inej say down on a tomb that had been robbed, therefore it wouldn't be wrong for her to sit there.

Inej winced as she sat down, her legs sore. "Thank you Danny."

"Of course love." She started to heal her and Nina watched in interest.

"I've always wanted to be a healer." She said longingly. Danny hummed.

"I've always wanted to be a heartrender. That way I could actually do something other than healing Jesper whenever he got beat up for winning a game against some random pigeon at different clubs."

"Well then he would have quite a few bruises all the time. We wouldn't hear the end of 'but I'm covered in purple and blue. No one will be able to see my beautiful face.'" Inej countered, causing the healer to laugh, Nina letting out a giggle too.

Healing the deep wounds were starting to wear her down. Nina heard her heart rate slow the slightest bit. "Want me to take over? I'm not the best healer or tailor but I can do some help."

"Thank you. I'll be back for a moment, I promise. You won't have to do much. I'll just be a second." Danielle ran up the steps to where the men were. She stopped at the entrance and leaned against the doorway.

"Looks like Pekka made a move on more than just the Crow Club while we were away." She heard Kaz tell them. "He bought all of fifth harbor."

"You know, Inej took some serious damage." Jesper frustratedly cut him off.

"Yes. I do know this. And Turner is down there fixed bc her up right now."

"The novice nearly lost his head." Jesper went on. "Danny almost got kidnapped and the Heartrender took a bullet, but no worries. As long as you're on top of Pekka's corporate holdings."

"You don't take down a lion by cutting off his tail." Kaz told him, sifting through some of the papers he brought.

"I'm sorry, you've been on safari when?" Jesper cut him off yet again. "We're putting our lives on the line!-"

"I thought you preferred it that way." Kaz turned around to look the taller boy in the eyes. That was when Danielle and out from behind the wall.

Wylan immediately stepped to her. "Is Inej going to be okay?"

"Yes. Nina is finishing her up right now. She won't be a permanent resident here." She tried to joke.

"Not yet anyway." Jesper glared at Kaz.

"Technically, no one gets buried here anymore. When the firepox plague hit years ago," Wylan began to explain. Danielle placed her hand on his shoulder to give him a hint to stop talking but he kept going. "So many people died that the crematoriums all got backed up so they had to float all the dead bodies in the harbor."

"THATS ENOUGH." Kaz bellowed.

It became dead silent.

Kaz picked out a paper and held it out for Jesper to take. "Appelbroke?" He read.

"Pekka has a glass factory there, but there are nk sandpits in Appelbroek, so cartage fees would kill all of his profits. Find out what he's really up to." He then turned and sent a glare to Wylan who stepped back a bit. "If you want to help, instead of spurting useless historical facts, go with Jesper."

Jesper opened the door as he desperately wanted to be away from Kaz at the moment. Wylan followed without a second thought as he was a little upset.

Nina came up with her arms crossed. "Not that you asked but consider grounding your Wraith for a bit."

"If I need you again I'll let you know." He said simply. She stood straighter and stared at him disbelievingly. He glanced at her then back to his folder. "All the guards who work the rights at Hellgate are loyal to Pekka and are on bus payroll. All but one."

Nina stepped back. "'The fights'?" She repeated in question. Danny walked over and rubbed her back.

"Hellshow. It's exactly as you'd imagine. Find a guard named Hiemstra. He has a port wind stain across his brow. He'll get a message to your Fjerdan."

"Can we trust him?" She asked warily.

"We can trust he doesn't want Pekka to know what I have on him." Kaz told her. Nina backed up to the door to leave when Kaz spoke again. "What you did tonight made you a Crow. Keep a low profile. You'll be in Pekka's sights now."

Nina stared at him and have a curt nod before picking up her skirts and leaving just as Jesper and Wylan did a few minutes prior. Kaz sighed and flipped through pages of his book.

"Are you alright?" Ellie asked him. He let out a deep breath and shook his head. She walked over to him and gave him a hug. He set his chin in her head, he don't hug her back but letting her hug him was enough.

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