|6| ambush

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A/n: We switch scenes quite a lot so bare with me. Hopefully it makes sense.

Kaz, Danielle, and Inej we're on the roof of Henrick's office building. Inej had the rope that was to lead Kaz down to the window of the office. 

As Kaz tightened and secured the rope around him and his beloved cane, Danielle watched with caution. He looked up and saw her face. "It will be alright. I'll be fine, Ellie." He then nodded to Inej who stabled herself in order to safely get him down. Once Kaz had made it down, she relaxes but still held the rope.

"Ellie?" Inej repeated after awhile. "That's new."

Danny blushed. "He's actually called me that since we were kids." She told her bashfully.

Inej gasped mockingly. "You never told me you two had a thing."

"It's complicated, really." Again, she flushed deeply.

Meanwhile, Kaz was face to face with Pekka. "Before I kill you, I want you to know I brought in two madmen to capture your girl and Wraith. Well. My wraith." Then Kaz looked to the window to see two men climbing the rope he used to get down.

Back with the girls, Inej had put one of her many knives in a slot to hold the door closed. "Hide behind there." She directed the blonde. The girl obeyed and hid behind a small glass roof. Inej pulled out a dagger and saw a man in red behind her. She chucked it at him but it bounced off him and clattered to the cement floor.

"Hello little lynx." The man said. "Where's your little friend? You know, my friend came along with me." Then another man in red popped up. "He's here for her. Make it easy and come with us and tell her to come out, yeah?"

Inej frowned and threw another knife at him.

"I fixed up the cellar at the Menagerie," Pekka told Kaz. "got two new sets of shackles. Oh, and I got my man to lay a trap for your gunslinger."

Inej slid over to Danny. "Are you alright?" She asked in less than a whisper. Danny was trembling but nodded nonetheless. Both men were now circling them.

"Time to go back to the Menagerie, little one. Your friend can join you." The man said manically. Inej unsheathed two of her knives in preparation for a fight. "And once you both are there... we get to take a piece. Nothing that will harm you little darlings' values."

Inej ushered Danny away as the man got closer, causing the man to almost shoot nothing. "Stay here." She had her duck beneath a short cement wall. The scurried away and threw a knife at the men. One of them got away quickly.

Inej had no more knives so she had to switch to hand to hand combat. You got this, Danny thought with a proud smile. Then the other man got hold of her as did Mogen with Inej. Inej got pinned down and Mogen sliced her arms. The man who has Danny put her in a chokehold and brought her down after removing Inej's knife from the door.

"INEJ! INEJ PLEASE!" Danielle cried out for her friend but she too was not able to move.

"Danny!-" Inej strangled.

"Clean sweep, Brekker." Pekka grinned evilly. "All that will be left will be my little spider, and now blondie."

That made Kaz freak out. He can't touch Ellie. He just can't. But thankfully, Nina had come in. He knew this due to the fact that there were labored breathes and thumps coming from outside of the office. "Meet the newest member of my crew."

Pekka groaned and fell to the ground.

"Sleep well, then." After Kaz had said this, a gunshot rang.

The man who held Danny captive had made it inside to see Nina using her abilities to make the men fall. With Danielle in one arm, he pulled out his gun in the other and shot Nina.

"No!" Danielle screamed. Nina fell, clutching her now bleeding arm. Kaz heard Ellie's desperate scream but a man crawled his way to the door so he had to duck behind a desk.

"Let me go you bloody twat!" Danielle squirmed about in her captor's arms.

"Heartrender." Sneered one of the Dime Lions. She tried to fight back but they pinned her injured arm down causing her more pain. "Not that smart when you can't-" she used her other hand to snatch his gun and bang it against his arm. The other man moved out of the way. She shot at them once she had control of the gun.

"Nina!" Danielle screamed again, this time a knife was to her throat. Nina aimed to shoot him but with how much Danny was moving she was scared she'd shoot her. The brunette opted for her abilities and crushed the man's heart, the man letting go of Elle as a result.

"Hurry, hun!" Nina held out her hand for the healer and they ran.

If you can't tell I'm very bad at writing fight scenes

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