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"How was work?" Clara asks, waking me up from a nap.

"Let me sleep." I mutter pulling my blankets up over my face.

"It's summer Charlotte, we can't be taking naps." Clara whines trying to tug my blankets away from my head.

"You try teaching eight to ten year olds how to surf for half a day." I mutter as Clara finally gets the blankets away from my head.

"You said you were excited.'' Clara stated before taking my arm and dragging me off my bed.

"I was. and I love my job but it's exhausting." I mutter curling up into a ball on my floor.

"Who's your work partner?" Clara asks me making my shoot up.

"Fucking Jay!" I shout with a groan making Clara's eyes widen.

"No shit. Really?" Clara says as I start to stand up.

"Yes. He said he did it cause he knew I would do it again this year." I whine while grabbing a hoodie.

"What's he even doing? I thought he couldn't surf?" Clara asks me while I throw the hoodie on.

"He can." I mutter, running a hand down my face. "He's just not good at it."

"That's so annoying." I hear Clara say as I start to head downstairs.

"Tell me about it." I mutter. "Are my parents home?"

"Are they suppose to be back today?" Clara asks while I grab my phone from the counter where I left it.

"That's what they told me." I mutter scrolling through all my notifications. "Just kidding, my mom said they won't be back till next weekend cause my brother was accepted into another camp."

"I don't get why they don't come back in between his camp and stuff." Clara says as I yawn, still trying to wake up.

"It's cause I'm not successful." I say as Clara rolls her eyes.

"I bet your dad would rather watch you surf than watch Trevor play hockey." Clara says while I shrug.

"I'm surprised we haven't moved to Minnesota yet to be completely honest." I say. "They spend more time there than here it feels like."

"Don't put that out into the universe." Clara says as I shrug.

"I'm just saying." I mutter.

"I would be so lonely without you." Clara says. "I would force you to move in with me."

"What did you wanna do?" I say sitting down at the island.

"I want to TP Jays house." Clara says, making me roll my eyes at her.

"I'm not that type of person." I say combing my hair out with my hands.

"It would be fun tho." Clara whines as I laugh softly.

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