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"Seriously jackass!" I shout at the blonde who showed up out of nowhere and stole the most perfect wave I've seen today.

The audacity of some surfers really gets on my last nerve. Especially when I've had a shitty day and am out here just to try and release some pent up anger.

Hearing laughter I turn around and see my best friend laughing making me roll my eyes.

"Come on Char let's dip." Clara says as she starts to paddle towards my board.

Clara or in other words Lar for me. My best friend from day one. She's sort of a nerd which comes in handy sense I seem to be the definition of dumb blonde. She's been there through and through. The only time you don't see us together is probably when she's making good decisions and studying while I'm out in the water. But that's besides the point.

"Just one more wave. And I mean it this time." I state with a pleading look, making Clara roll her eyes at me.

"Fine. I'm heading in. If you do more than one wave I'm taking your keys and leaving you here." Clara states as I give her two thumbs up.

Watching Clara start to head back in, I start to paddle out more hoping in the love of gods that there'll be another good wave.

Seeming like luck is on my side I see a wave almost as perfect as the one the jackass stole.

Catching the wave I see the same blonde dude with a pissed look on his face making me smile just a bit bigger. Karmas a bitch is all I can think while heading back towards shore.

"You actually listened.'' Clara says as I head to where our stuff is.

"It's cause I  know you would leave me." I state while grabbing my towel. "Plus I'm really craving an açaí bowl."

Putting on an oversized shirt I wrap my towel around my hair before picking up my bag and board.

"Ready?" I ask Clara who nods her head while picking up her board.

Dropping off our stuff in my car, I put on my sandals and grab my wallet.

As both of us make our way to our signature spot I finally decide to check my phone.

"Geez look at this." I state showing Clara my phone.

"Have you told him to fuck off?" Clara mutters while reading all the messages from my ex.

"I think it's funny. I should block him shouldn't I?" I mutter rolling my eyes. "I mean he ended things with me and is mad that I was okay with it. Like what the fuck."

"He's so desperate." Clara says, holding the door open for me.

"It's gonna be our senior year. Like obviously i'm gonna be okay with it. it wouldn't last past senior year anyways." I mutter while getting into line.

"Literally. Boys are dumb tho." Clara states. "don't realize what they lost till they lost it."

"Look there's the dude that stole your wave." Clara says, making me look over at the two boys who just walked in.

"I'm still upset about that." I mutter making Clara roll her eyes at me.

"It was one wave." Clara states, making me gasp.

"It was the best wave of the day." I whine. "But when I got my last wave he looked pissed so I guess it can cancel out."

"You're so weird." Clara mutters as I watch both boys sit at the table right next to us.

"Weird my ass. I prefer using the word blonde." I state.

"Oh my god." I mutter looking at my phone.

"Let me guess, Jays calling you?" Clara asks, making me nod my head.

"This has got to stop." I mutter annoyed. Looking over at the table next to us I grow a small smirk.

"Excuse me?" I mutter tapping the blonde on his shoulder making him turn to me with a questioning look.

"This might be weird but can you pick up my phone for me and just i don't know get this dude to get the hint you know?" I ask, making the dude slightly confused. "I'm Charlotte by the way."

"Man if you won't I will." The brunette across from him says while the blonde takes the phone.

"Yah sure?" The blonde says while answering the phone.

"Who's this?" The blonde asks on the phone while I look at Clara who is giving me a look of disbelief.

"I'm Noah." The blonde says as if it were obvious while pulling the phone away from his ear due to what I assume is shouting.

"Here I'll take it." I mutter while holding out my hand. getting my phone i roll my eyes slightly before holding the phone up to my ear.

"Jay, get it together. I'm allowed to be with other men." i say. "You broke up with me, stop calling me."

Hanging up the phone I turned to look at the two boys again.

"Thanks for that." I state with a smile.

"Yah, no problem." Noah says, running a hand through his hair. "He seemed like a real dweeb."

"Don't even get me started." Clara butts in making me roll my eyes at her.

"Well I guess we'll see you around. unless you're a tourist." I state with a small smile.

Getting up I give both boys a small wave before following Clara out who's still laughing.

"Out of everything you've done I did not expect that to happen." Clara says, making me shrug my shoulders. "Especially cause the blonde one apparently stole the best wave of the day."

"To be fair he did. And second off it had to be done. Jay is on my last nerve." I state while we get to my car.

"There's a block button for a reason." Clara stated making me roll my eyes.

"Yah, yah. I just feel bad. I'll do it one night." I mutter before I try to find a good playlist to listen to on the drive back.

"Are you planning on going to the annual bonfire tonight?" Clara asks once I find the playlist I was looking for.

"Obviously. I wouldn't miss it." I stated while starting to get out of the parking lot. "You can get ready at my place if you want."

"I was hoping you would say that." Clara says making me roll my eyes not that she would see with my sunglasses on.

"Do you think those boys were tourists? Cause the brunette one was kinda fine." Clara says, making me gasp.

"Clara!" I shout as she holds her hand's up in defense.

"What! So was the blonde one but he was giving you lovestruck eyes." Clara says, making me slap her arm.

"He looked scared. Plus I can't ever be his friend, he stole the best wave of the day." I state before turning up the music.

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