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"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You muttered to yourself as you rushed over to the place you worked at, your eyes barely staying open from how tired you were and looked even

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You muttered to yourself as you rushed over to the place you worked at, your eyes barely staying open from how tired you were and looked even. Thank god for makeup. You pushed the door open and stumbled inside just in time for your boss to show up from behind the counter, scoffing when he saw you. "Look who showed up! You're 15 minutes late." He said, making you gulp nervously.

You looked at some of your coworkers and sighed, your face turning a bit red as their eyes were on you. Some showed a sorry look, others showed a pleased look. "I'm sorry, my alarm didn't ring and the bus came later than expected-" The boss cut you off by lifting his hand up and then lowering it. "As always, this is your last warning. One more time, and you're out." The boss said, clapping his hands twice which made everyone go back to work.

With a heavy sigh, you headed to the back and placed your stuff in your locker, putting your apron on before you closed it and leaned your forehead on the locker. "Hey, don't feel too bad. You know he just likes showing his power." A woman's voice said from beside you, one of your coworkers. "Yeah, that's easy to say when it's not you he's giving the warning to." You replied, looking back at her.

A small giggle left her lips as she nodded, "Yeah, you're right." She said, offering her hand to you after. "I'm Katrina. Katrina Stuart." She said, smiling when you took her hand after a bit and shook it. "Y/n. I'm Y/n Y/l." You replied while returning the smile.




You groaned as you turned the alarm off, turning the other way only to be met with a back, making you open your eyes and furrow them in confusion. After recognizing the black, messy, and long hair in front of you, you chuckled to yourself. "Kat, you're in my bed again." You said softly, a soft groan coming from her as she stretched and rubbed her face as you did the same. "Shut up, my head is killing me." She whispered, looking around the room before covering her face with the blanket.

"You have been getting drunk everyday since you broke up with Sam. It isn't healthy." You said while sitting up, brushing your hair with your fingers. "It's my way of coping. Of coping with a broken heart." She replied, sitting up after and leaning her head on your shoulder, leaning your head on hers after. "I know. But it isn't good to do it everyday. At least take me with you next time." You chuckled, kissing her forehead and giving her a quick hug before getting up.

"I would but you're the one who always decides to stay home and watch a movie or play videogames because they don't like parties or don't drink alcohol." She said, getting up and following you into the kitchen. You began to prepare some coffee for the two of you, rolling your eyes at her comment. "Well, I'd love to go out someday, even if I don't drink or go to a party." You replied, pouring some milk on both cups.

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