Neo: "If you want me and Roman to steal, beat up, or kill someone, then you use this ticket, and we'll do it." 

Y/N looks between the ticket and them, slowly absorbing their information about this "ticket" he's been recieved.

Y/N #2: "O-Okay... thanks."

Roman: "Don't mention it... really don't."

The smiling Neo goes over to sit beside Y/N and proceeds to hug his arm, snuggling up to him. 

Y/N #2: "H-Hey, Neo."

Neo: "What? You don't like it?"

Y/N #2: "I do. Just wasn't expecting it. Also, I'm not done eating my meal."

Despite this, Neo continues to cling onto his arm, all with a big smile plastered on her face as Y/N goes to finish his meal with one arm. She then decides to take Y/N's spoon from him and goes to try and feed him, even making the "say ahh" expression, much to Y/N's slight embarrassment.

Y/N #2: "A-Ahh..."

Y/N then goes to take a spoonful of his meal, pleasing Neo a lot. Seeing this, Roman just rolls his eyes and pick up his plate before standing up.

Roman: "Well, don't want to be a third wheel. I'm just going-"

He's soon cut off by Qrow approaching them.

Qrow: "You all done eating?"

Y/N #2: "Neo and I are almost done, Qrow."

Qrow: "Okay then. Once you're done, we need to collect the others when they're done eating and have a discussion at the living room."

And with that, Qrow enters back to the house as Roman has a sigh of relief.

Roman: ("Thank goodness. I thought he was going to talk about me pickpocketing when I was getting supplies.")

Back inside the Mistralian house, the arm-wrestling match ends with Yang winning and defeating Nora.

Yang: "Yeah! I won!"

Ruby: "You did it, Yang!"

Nora: "Nooo!! I lost!"

Y/N #1: "Well, this was fun."

After that, the main Y/N and the others had just finished eating dinner as Jaune picks up the pot holding all the bowls. 

Jaune: "Gyah... We ate it all... oh, I think I'm gonna be sick..."

Yang: "Easy there, Vomit Boy, I believe in you."

Jaune: "Oh, we're doing nickname throwbacks now. Wonderful."

He then walks away with Y/N, both holding the dishware in their hands. Weiss let out a giggle. 

Nora: "I mean, the Ice Queen seems to like it."

Weiss stops giggling, and Ruby bursts into laughter at Nora's remark. Weiss smiles nonetheless, rolling her eyes nonchalantly.

Weiss: "I so did not miss you people."

Upon hearing this, Nora suddenly gasps.

Nora: "Oh my gosh, she really does like it!"

Y/N #1: "Is really that much of a shock, Nora? I mean, I basically started the little trend of calling her 'Ice Queen'."

Nora: "Oooh right. So, you or one of those other you went and warmed her heart while we were gone?" 

Y/N #1: "I mean it happened during our time at Beacon."

Embarrassed and blushing a bit, Weiss chimes in. 

Weiss: "Hey! You make it sound like I used to be terrible."

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