Ruby: "And it's just as strong?"

Yang: "Hm, sure is."

Suddenly, they hear a bang on the table. Nora has her arm out ready to arm wrestle.

Nora: "Wanna bet?"

Weiss: "Nora, please, now's not the time-"

Yang: "Rematch!"

Despite Weiss's protest, Yang and Nora arm wrestle. Jaune and Ren cheer on Nora while Ruby cheers on for her sister. Weiss looks on disdainfully.

Jaune: "Don't let her beat you! You can do it! Come on!"

Ren: "You can do this. Show them what Team JNPR's made of!"

Ruby: "C'mon, sis! You can't lose to a girl in a battle skirt!"

Weiss: "Ruby, you wear a battle skirt."

Ruby just shakes Weiss, who is still frowning.

Ruby: "Weiss, you're not cheering loud enough!!"

Weiss: "I'm not going to, you dolt! This is ridiculous!" 

Nora gives a cheeky smirk to Yang.

Nora: "Hm, it definitely feels like the original, I'll give you that."

Yang: "Yep. And I'm not going to lose this time!"

The main Y/N just watch this whole scene, smiling and rolling his eyes at his friends and loved ones' antics on the dinner table as he looks through a nearby window. As he does, Y/N spots Roman and Neo eating dinner on the house's patio outside with the other Y/N sitting across from them.

Roman: "So, this whole time you and Neo linked up at Patch and you two decide to follow Blondie all the way to Anima to find her mother, who is some bandit queen and then ended up in Mistral by that same mother's semblance."

Y/N #2: "Pretty much, yeah. I'm still surprised Ozpin is inside of your head, Roman."

Roman: "Well, I'm not enjoying it one bit."

Letting out a long sigh, Roman takes a bite from his meal before continuing.

Roman: "Explains why one of you say and believe that Neo was still alive and well. Now I know why."

Neo: "Are you mad?"

Roman: "No, just a little... upset that I didn't know about this. Still... "

The crime boss then turns to face Y/N.

Roman: "You kept her safe through that whole journey, right?"

Y/N #2: "Eh, we acted like a duo most of the time. I chose not to say anything when Neo decide to steal an item or two."

Roman: "I see."

The ginger-haired man looks at Y/N, which confuses him a bit before Roman turns to Neo.

Roman: "Neo, you got a paper?"

Neo nod to him, knowing what he's going to do as she takes out a small piece of paper from her pocket as Roman takes out a pen from his pocket. The crime boss then starts writing it down while using his other arm to block Y/N's view on it. A moment later, Roman finish writing and hands the paper to him. Y/N examines the paper as it reads: "One Free Crime Ticket." Y/N looks at with visible confusion as he looks up at the criminal duo.

Y/N #2: "Uhm... what is this?"

Roman: "For keeping Neo alive and well, the other you helping me 'fit in' with Red and her group, it's only... 'fair' that I give something in return. Money is certainly out of the question since, the other you, Red and her friends already used up mine. So, I decided to give you this."

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