chapter two- colors

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a/n this chapter has mention of sexual abuse/harassment/inappropriate touching (not full-on rape) I'll mark the part out and you'll get a summary at the end or just skip to the part where it ends. Thank you.

The man didn't speak, and the room seemed to grow colder as he sat next to you just staring at you. After what seemed to be a full minute his hand reached up to your face. You flinched away but he just grabbed your face and forced you to look at him. You let out a low sob as your heart attacked your inner chest. 

"Don't cry" he ordered. His tone seemed to be bored and agitated. You couldn't help but get angry at the statement. 

He kept your face firmly in one hand while his other hand reached up and prodded at your nose. 

"fuck!" you yelped, you tried to get away from his touch but his hand held you in place. You weren't going anywhere. tears pricked the sides of your tear duct but you blinked them away. 

"Jeff really did a number on you. Idiot." You could feel the eye roll in his voice. His blue mask had holes in it but they seemed to lead to a dark abyss. Small trails of black liquid trailed out of the holes at a slow pace. The mask didn't look to be in good condition. You could see small tuffs of brown hair poking out of the mask and hood that was pulled up. He had worn a black hoodie with matching pants that were ripped in some places, not the 'cool' kind of rips you can buy at a store but the kind of rips you get from sharp objects and labor. 

His gloved hands moved quickly and you felt your nose pop back into place. You couldn't help but let out a pained and startled yelp from the sudden action. You felt blood trickle down your face again. Jack let go of your face and pulled out a small white cloth from his pocket. He tainted the nice-looking white with your blood and cleaned you up. 

You felt pain from where he had grabbed you. 

You hear the small patter of footsteps and turn to see Sally running back into the room. She was running with two cups of water that spilled slightly whenever she took another step. She stopped in front of you and held out a glass of water. 

You accepted the glass of water, although looking closer at it you weren't sure if it was just water. The liquid was foggy and had a white tint to it. It had to be tainted with something. You took notice that Sally's was the same cloudy water. 

she had gulped down half of the glass already, so you started drinking the -most likely bad- water. It had a metallic and earthy taste to it but it was the first liquid you had since you had got here. 

Sally and you drew with Jack's supervision. 

You walked home at a slow pace, work really kicked your ass tonight. You had to walk home because your old car finally decided to give up on you because, of course, it had to. The nightly walks were mostly uneventful until tonight. 

There was a man lurking in the edges of your vision, whenever you turned to look at him directly he would vanish. Thinking that this was some kind of  'drained from work halucination' you tried your best to calm yourself. You continued to walk through the cold fall night. The man seemed to never get closer to you, he just seemed to live on the edges of your vision. You couldn't fully wipe away the nervousness that crept up your spine, something seemed wrong. 

On your previous night walks home you never felt uncomfortable or unsafe on this street, but tonight just made you on edge. You walked a bit faster eager to get home. 

You felt hands press on your back. hard. 

As suddenly you were looking straight, you were now looking at the ground. You felt the familiar feeling of being scraped on your knee. The blossoming pain was the least of your worries though. 

The man held your face down in the cement of the sidewalk. You let out a shriek and started to thrash. 

"if you don't stop ill fucking put a bullet through your brain, just take it like a good whore." 

(this is the part, I'm warning you)

You stopped flailing instantly when you felt the cool metal of a gun slide down next to your ear. You sobbed quietly into the ground wondering why you were stuck in this situation. You knew that you should've gotten your car fixed bu-

Your thoughts are cut off when you feel a hand slink up your shirt. It groped around, before settling onto your chest. Your body started to shake slightly when you realized where this was going. You wanted to escape to leave, but you couldn't go anywhere with that gun so close. 

You felt weight shift onto your back as the man hovered over you, A sudden hand went to your hips pushing you off of the ground and on your knees. You wanted to cry even harder when you felt the bulge against your ass. 

"Good.." the man whispered into your ear. You bit down on your tongue feeling helpless. He started to grind against you, his hips being pushed hard into your jeans. you hear the sound of fabric against fabric as he starts to move faster. You wanted to throw up. You wanted to die. You'd rather die than be raped by some frea- 

"Offender, let's go!" another voice called out. (I gave him a gun because yeah.) You felt something wet wrap around your stomach and pull you off the ground,  it wasn't an arm or a dick, you were glad it wasn't a dick, to be honest. A tendril had secured itself around your waist and was holding you behind this freak. 

(end of part)

This thing that had you in his grasp had a smooth face, all except for a wide toothy mouth. No eyes no nose. 

"I'm bringing this plaything with me for your boys." Offender chuckled. You couldn't see who he was talking to but it didn't matter. You felt something hard hit your head, and then darkness. 

"What are you drawing?" Sally's question brought you back to the present. You quickly look down at your piece of paper and see a (not-so-good) drawing of the man that was called Offender. There was illegible writing underneath it. The sight gave you chills and you crumpled up the drawing. 

"I'm not sure, I was just doodling I guess," You said quickly. sally handed you another piece of paper and you took it with a shaky hand. before you could start drawing you see both Sally's and Jack's heads shoot up like they are listening to something. Sally's expression went from happy to one of disappointment as she started to clean up the crayons and paper. Jack stood up and brushed off his ass from any dust that might've collected there. 

"We have to go, bye y/n.." Sally said sadly. She didn't let you get a word out as she bounded out the door and into the hallway with Jack not far behind her. Jack slammed the door shut and after a few moments of silence, there was a clank of a lock. 

The sun was lower than it was when you and Sally first started drawing, It wasn't exactly night but it sure wasn't the afternoon anymore. You kind of missed Sally's presence; although this situation was far from ideal she made it better in her own freaky way. You wondered if you could befriend her somehow, make her help you out of here... 

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