A Wolf in a Rabbit Hole

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A.N. Alright, to those who are aware, no I did not manage to finish my other stuff on time. But oh well, no harsh timeline on anything. But I've nonetheless gone far too long without an update, and I know you have as well. Hope it will be worth the wait. I also wonder if the story is getting too convoluted. Let me know.

"So, how's the internship for your protégé?"

Tsukauchi took a sip of tea after asking his friend the question. He had invited Toshinori to his home, both to utilise the opportunity of the halfa being away, so as not to jeopardise the hero's identity, and to fill the silence that remained after said teenager was gone. Toshinori in the meantime took a sigh, shifting in the armchair.

"Yes. My old sensei wanted to see my successor, and I...didn't have the courage to say no," he said shamefully.

"But it is a good thing, right? Gran Torino knows what has to be done in order to train Midoriya."

"Yes...but he chose to do this because of little faith in my teaching skills," said the number one hero. "He is my successor, and I can't even train him properly."

"The way you use One for All is different from his. For all intents and purposes, these could be considered two different Quirks," Tsukauchi tried to reassure. "Besides, if you took Midoriya as an intern, all eyes in the world would have focused on him. And that's not something you should give away."

Toshinori nodded. "Yes, you are right as always, Tsukauchi-san. Thank you. But what about your charge? The teachers at UA were saying that the Commission was involved."

Now it was the detective's turn to sigh. "Just like I suspected, he didn't like it. And despite all my warnings, that child just kept badmouthing the president. I don't know how he managed to broker his own conditions with such attitude, but we have something...odd. He is going through two internships at once."

"Two? How does Young Fenton even manage?" Toshinori asked in surprise.

"He told me that he is going to fly half across the country each day...I just hope that he doesn't overextend and run himself into the ground out of his stubbornness. He didn't want to dedicate himself to internship under their guidance, so he actually agreed to Endeavour's invitation."

"Endeavour's?" All Might asked in surprise. "After the festival I didn't think he would be this amicable to him. Good for them!"

"Knowing the kid, he will leave that man some gray hairs," the detective chuckled. "Same goes for Hawks."

"Hawks was the Commission's choice, huh?"

"I'm sharing this only because you too are no stranger to their secrecy. I was asked to keep this part a secret from everyone outside."

"But everyone will know about this internship once the news starts pouring in."

"It already has," Tsukauchi chuckled. "One day in, and he already partook in freeing the hostages. But him being Hawks's intern is not the secret. It's the Commission's involvement."

"I see..." Toshinori nodded. "Do you know why they decided to intervene?"

"I wasn't allowed to talk to them. All I have is Danny's very biased recollection. But from his impression, it is because they think him too dangerous to go around alone, and it seemed to have struck a cord. Fentons thought the same way, and he ended up here."

"Such fears already chased him away from home."

"Yes. I don't condone the harsh approach that they chose to pick, again, going by Danny's own words. But now I think he is angry with me as well for defending them. And I didn't talk to him about this, too."

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