The Culprit

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It had to be some kind of mistake, Danny thought. There wasn't any discernible reason to make that choice. How could he, a person that couldn't even tie a piece of fabric around his neck be entrusted with the duty of a class representative? The halfa remained dumbfounded even as he was asked to stand in front of the class in all of his unkempt glory. It had to be some sort of a mistake. The choice of a deputy representative, however, was even more shocking for the person chosen for that person. If Danny remained blank and confused, Midoriya seemed outright shaken by having to be a part of it.

Out of all the classmates, the two most reluctant individuals were elected. The fate really loathed the half ghost.

"Why in the world did you vote for me?" Danny asked with a muffled voice, his face on the lunch table.

"Well..." Kirishima started. "We would have liked to vote for ourselves, but jokes aside, I think you can manage, Danny-san."

The halfa turned his head so that he was now lying on the side of it. "And what for the love of the Ancients gave you that idea?"

"Come on, Danny-kun," Mina nudged him. "You know why it's like that. When it comes to hero stuff, you are a number one student."

"Yep," added Kirishima. "I mean, we saw how you did in the battle trial, and you know how a hero should act."

Fenton sighed. "You missed the part about me preferring to do things alone. Precisely why I didn't vote for Todoroki."

"Come on, you are not always by yourself, right?"

Danny seemed to be in thought. Kirishima was correct that his friends were there quite often, willing to lend their hand or save his backside in a pinch. However, he stood by his word, and the halfa still was choosing to fight alone if he could help it. His power had grown over the months of constant fighting. He could manage.

"Maybe. But do you honestly expect ME to be responsible enough to keep up with everything and everyone else? Do you want THIS," he pointed at his all over the place clothes, "to represent you during the meetings?"

"Don't be so harsh on yourself, Danny-kun," Mina beamed. "I'm sure you will do your best."

The halfa didn't look convinced. Instead Danny decided to casually indulge in the delicious foods of which he had taken plenty. After downing the first bowl of gyudon, the half ghost took a look around the cafeteria.

"There are a lot of people here," he commented.

"You only just noticed?" Mina cackled. "We just study in the different parts of the school, but there is only one cafeteria. So, there are guys from all departments."

"How many of those they have exactly?" Asked Fenton and made a sip of the soda. "I only know a couple."

"Well, there's ours," Kirishima started counting with his fingers. "The hero course. There are also general education, support department, and department of management."

"Management?" Danny raised an eyebrow.

"Well, most heroes have their agencies," explained Mina. "They are in charge of your PR, make sure that you get the jobs and are also good for managing finances. You need the money to repair what's damaged during the fight. Manage some ads, too. That's what management department teaches."

"Christ, they turned heroism into Hollywood," Danny mumbled as he chewed on a bun.

'You have a marketable plushie of yourself in your bedroom,' the inner voice reminded him and promptly shut him up.

It would be a lie if he said he didn't want the kind of fame most prominent heroes had, but the specifics of that new world still felt wrong to him. He had been bitten so many times by his desire to be respected by his peers and have hundreds of fans among the populace, that by then Danny had grown wary of the idea, no matter how much he might have potentially enjoyed it. It was somewhat of a guilty pleasure at that point.

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