Two Pros

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To say that Todoroki felt strange was to say nothing. All along the path to his father's agency he was perplexed by several important conundrums. What would he say to Endeavour when they met on the latter's territory? How should he act when faced by that man's arrogance and blindness? That and many other questions plagued the boy's mind. Another one of them was quite simplistic in nature, and that was why he was being followed by his class president. For too long their paths through the city were absolutely similar, with Danny trailing behind, too absorbed in his own thoughts to call more attention to himself.

"Fenton-san, don't you have your own internship?" Todoroki finally managed to ask.

Danny blinked. "Oh, didn't I tell you?" He asked and tilted his head. "I was offered a spot at Endeavour's place, so I took it."

The human teen stared at his classmate wide-eyed, before returning to his usual apathetic expression. "I wonder what made him so interested."

"Someone is being rude," Danny smirked. "I'm not sure myself. But it was the best offer of the few I got, so," he shrugged.

"I can't imagine what the rest of them was like."

"Not the best picks, I admit...wait, did you just make a joke?"


"You definitely did," Danny lightly nudged him. "Not a second into the internship and I'm already rubbing off on you."

Todoroki sighed. Admittedly, Fenton was not the worst companion he could have. Bakugo would have taken that spot, but he was currently under the guidance of the Number Four hero — the highest one that took interest in him. While Todoroki had no animosity towards the blonde, the latter would certainly have made it difficult. Danny was quite alright in Todoroki's book, the memory of their interactions during the festival still fresh in his mind. He could, after all, relate to his situation to some extent.

"Did you learn the reason you got so few offers?"

"Other than racism and unwillingness to intern a foreigner, I cannot tell, I am afraid. Although your Dad must know. He still chose to invite me despite that other reason. And if he is the one to spill the beans, not my fault," Danny smirked and winked.

Unfortunately, he picked the worst person to give a clue to. He soon realised that when they finally faced Endeavour's agency — a colossal dark skyscraper with the man's insignia above the entrance. Danny whistled after witnessing the living proof of the man's ego with his own eyes.

"Wow, you think he is compensating for something?" The halfa asked and looked at his classmate.

"Compensating for what?" Todoroki asked in genuine confusion.

Metaphorical ellipsis appeared near Danny's head as he processed the situation.

"You know, forget I said anything..." he paused. "I also referred to his di..."

A stranger accidentally bumping into him was what stopped the halfa from insinuating further. Todoroki ignored the antics of his classmate, leading the way inside. Despite this being his first internship, the teen was quite aware of where to go. His father had been rather clear with his instructions. Danny decided to trust the human on that, scanning the surroundings with a degree of curiosity. After all, coming here was his voluntary choice, so by default he was more interested in what he was seeing. It was also his first visit to an actual hero agency, and he wondered how everything worked around there. He had honestly expected a mix of a batcave and a fire department, taking training and equipment parts from the former and the alarms for quick reaction of the latter. But from what little he was seeing at the moment, Danny was frankly unimpressed. He sure saw the direction signs for a gym and the like, but the rest, outside of remarkable and imposing decor, was nothing remarkable.

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