Quirk Apprehension Test

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When Aizawa announced what the kids would be doing during the lesson, Danny was honestly kind of excited. He had all the reasons to be. This was a test of skills — Quirk Apprehension test. And as long as Phantom was able to do what he excelled at, he was more than happy to participate. There was a part of him that wished to flaunt his powers in front of his classmates, like a kid that brought McDonalds food to school. But it was mostly an easy grade that tempted him.

However, as their homeroom teacher started explaining what their were going to go through, Danny's enthusiasm took a dive.  From the description, it appeared like a normal PE session. The gym uniform they were all now wearing should have given him a hint, but Danny hadn't thought about it too much.

The entire class gathered outside, on the special prepared ground, ready to face whatever Aizawa had in mind. Well, mostly ready. To his surprise, Danny noticed the purple-haired shorty that he had rescued during the exam. The guy was shaking just as before. How he got in was a question the teen wasn't eager to ask. Danny really didn't want to antagonise any of his classmates.

His thoughts were also on their recently revealed homeroom teacher. Once the initial thoughts of him being the unluckiest person subsided, Danny began to wonder how he was going to coexist with the man that did not appear friendly at all. And boy, had he given him an opportunity to dislike the half ghost from the start. The teen hoped that he wasn't that kind of a teacher.

"What about the Entrance Ceremony?!" The brown haired girl nervously called out to the teacher. The same girl that had made Mydoria blush like crazy. "Or guidance sessions?"

"No time to waste on that stuff if you want to become heroes," Aizawa responded instantaneously, obviously having anticipated such questions.

So, he was a man of action. Danny liked that. He would take that over the boring ceremonies at any time. Still, something was amiss, and the teacher was soon reminded that being absent from ceremonies like this was fraught with terrible consequences. To this, Aizawa had an answer as well.

"The school is aware of my methods. The U.A. is known for its creative approach and its own education system. This applies to teachers as well. The Entrance exam is a futile attempt at discerning at least some level of skill. However, it is too rudimentary, too basic, and thus, unimportant. THIS is what truly matters."

The way the man looked down upon the exam probably meant that Danny's result was not going to affect the teacher's attitude towards him whatsoever. Still, the teen was somewhat assured by the fact that an elite school was placing enormous trust in that man. They had standards and world-renowned status — too valuable of a resource to be wasted by even one incompetent teacher. Danny just didn't want the hero school to become another Casper High.

"We will be running the usual tests you did in middle school: dash, softball throw, grip strength, things like these. The government is not in a hurry to change anything, and the schools nowadays still do not allow the use of Quirks during such tests. I believe this to be irrational."

As the man explained it, his eyes deadlocked on one particular raven-haired teen.

"Fenton," he called, and Danny just knew it would be him being called out. Whether it was because of his own outstanding results or personal dislike, the teen did not know. "How far could you throw a ball back then? I presume you did go to one, correct?"

"That was just unnecessary," Danny mumbled, stepping forward. "Thirty...ish, I think."

He heard and saw how the blonde kid snorted. Danny had to admit, his human form wasn't nearly as strong. But it's not like he could use what little he had during the classes, lest the people of Amity talked about the strange Fenton kid even more. Aizawa tossed Danny the ball, which he caught with ease. The teen really wished he could understand what the man was thinking, but his face was totally apathetic.

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