Heard and Not Seen

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Danny was eating his morning sandwich in one of the joints, one that had awfully little ham and was way too dry. The manager of the coffee shop was sitting just a couple of tables away from the teen. Having the unchecked powers being a manager gave him, the man had switched the tv to one of the channels. Danny didn't mind, since he appreciated every bit of trivia he could get. The TV showed an absolute behemoth of a man, tall and muscular, dressed in a suit of blue, gold, red and white. His long blonde hair had two strips that were sticking up in the air. The man bore the brightest and proudest smile Danny had ever seen in his life or afterlife. He was obviously a big shot, judging by the squeals and exited shouts from the people present in the cafe.

"Wow, it's All Might!"

"He is so amazing, isn't he?"

Danny took a sip of coffee, looking at the screen from which the number one hero stared at him. It had been a week since he came to that world. The teen had done his homework, since that was basically all he could do with his free time. All Might, the Symbol of peace, they called him. When he first heard about it, Danny thought that the guy had an excellent PR agency behind him. Unlike the half ghost who was always one step away from being considered a wanted criminal. What was it about the blonde giant that Danny lacked in that regard? Aside, of course, from the aforementioned PR agency. Danny even had plushies of his persona, ones that were quite popular among the locals and tourists, but unlike All Might they never gave him a single penny. They hadn't even contacted him. And in a situation where his only income was a part-time job at the local supermarket it only aggravated the teen even more. Each time he looked at his plushie (which he for some reason had decided to bring along) it filled him frustration.

Perhaps it was just how the world was. Being the only hero in his own world was a peculiarity in itself. It naturally made people worried. In this universe, most people had powers of their own and heroes were pretty numerous. It had become a trend by that point, a new normalcy. They made laws, established agencies, all for the purpose of adapting to the changed reality. Although, by that time Danny had learned that most of those abilities were pretty useless or a good utility at most. Actually few could be properly utilised in combat. He saw many heroes on TV, one could grow as tall as a building, while the other could burn people to a crisp. Those were pretty helpful, unlike a single extra eye the barista in front of the teen spotted.

But that was not the main point.

It had been a week, and it still boggled him. Maybe the townsfolk had feared him because Phantom was a teenager. And those were unpredictable beings, more so than ghosts. They never sold guns or alcohol to children legally, and yet there was a boy that could blow people up with a look. And nobody could do anything to stop him. To them he was a ticking bomb. And perhaps that's why young children and other teenagers adored him. They had no such prejudice. There was also the wild preaching of his own parents, who spoke before the townspeople with the zealousness of Salem witch hunters and Savonarola combined, saying that every ghost was a vile creature from another world.

"Phantom simply claimed the town as his property," they said.

"He fights not for you, but to keep intruders out," they assured.

What would the Fentons claim now when he was gone? They were now stuck between two of their theories: that ghosts could not leave their haunt and that Phantom had marked his territory. Either was wrong, but if Danny knew his parents, they would never admit anything. For being scientists they were too stubborn and unwilling to change their theories that had nothing behind them but wild speculations. The Fentons could make incredible inventions, but when it came to the topic of ghostly behaviour and biology, their knowledge was abysmal. It wasn't very surprising, no scientist could specialise in every field. They had mistakenly stacked every aspect of ectoplasm and its original world into one science, which was evidently the wrong idea. Physics and Chemistry are different, despite both of them dealing with atomic structures. And someone who created medicine could not engineer an atomic reactor. An architect would not be able to decipher ancient writings. Every science took years of hard work to have an understanding of, otherwise one would be the jack of all trades and master of none. It wasn't shameful to admit, but Fentons' arrogance clouded their judgement. They thought of themselves as experts, and they were the one-eyed guides in the kingdom inhabited by blind people. There was nobody to address their idiocies but ghosts themselves. But since they were labeled as evil, few actually listened.

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