Lost and Disillusioned

Start from the beginning

Stone houses covered in moss featured their own piers with boats dangling just above the water. The occasional dark elf fisherman passed us on the road, examining us with cold, unwelcoming eyes. 

A large gate spanned the entire width of the bridge, feature two, circular guard towers on either side. From atop a deck, I could see a pair of guards armed with crossbows looking down at us with silent scowls. 

"Greetings, gentlemen! We're here to-" I began to say. 

"Oh, we don't want to hear it, high elf," the guard cut me off, "Lord Bastian has forbade the entry of any lady high elves until the Viscountess of Nohr is caught."

"But we're here on behalf of Count-" I tried again, as I watched the other guard's lips pursed. 

"Tell your Count that he needs to keep his children in line before they get someone killed!" the other guard exclaimed. 

"Our Count doesn't have any children," Oda interrupted, "We also come in the name of the Marquess of Lorshire."

"Wait a minute... That's Takuya's crest on their saddles," one of the guards pointed out. 

"Yes, now that the two and two you've put together aren't your blabbering lips, shall I give you the message that the Count of Vardurr wants to give his father?" Oda jeered. 

"What authority do you have to speak to us that way, citizen?" a guard growled. 

"I am Sir Oda Culvandi, knight of Marquess Laurent and Marchioness Pia," Oda smiled devilishly, "Is that enough authority for you? If you were one of my guards and I heard you had treated an esteemed guest in such a manner, I would have you cleaning the stables indefinitely."

As Oda gave his formal introduction, I could watch their hearts sink into their toes and their dark grey skin take on a rosy tone. They looked between each other, blankly staring as they tried to formulate words. 

"You hear that, Arnie... He's the Marchioness' knight... You know, the only sibling that Lord Bastian keeps in contact with... One of his favorite people... The one who raised him after the Queen passed..." the guard gulped. 

"I hear a lot of talking, but I'm not seeing a lot of doing," Oda sang out, "I better be let through this gate very soon because I have to be on this horse for one more minute, I will be talking to multiple superiors and you will be talking to your ancestors!"

The rapid clanging of metal boots going down multiple stairs replaced the sound of voices, with their clanging growing distant. After a few minutes of silence, the clanging returned with haste. 

A new face appeared from the top of the guard tower, one much older than the cocky, younger guards we had first met. This dark elf sported a short, white mohawk with traditional tattooing along the sides of this head. His thin eyes darted from person to person, taking a moment to judge the travelers before him. 

"You and the Kenku are free to enter the city, but the high elf stays outside," the dark elf order, "Nothing personal; just a precaution... We don't repeat history around here."

"But she was also sent by the Marquess and Marchioness," Oda argued, "We fear that history will repeat itself unless we can warn to Marquess Bastian. "

"I will gladly get you an audience with the courtier, but the high elf must remain outside the city," the dark stated firmly, "Unless she wants to stay in a jail cell..."

"You know what needs to be said, Oda... I'll wait out here," I pressed him. 

"But it's my job to protect you and I can't do that if we're on opposites of a wall," Oda contested. 

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