𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥'𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐮𝐭.

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Mikasa's sleek car glided smoothly through the bustling city streets, the sound of tires kissing asphalt filling the air. Y/n found themselves sitting comfortably in the passenger seat, grateful for the opportunity to hitch a ride with their dependable friend,

After a brief discussion, it was decided that a trip to the grocery store was in order. Mikasa, always the practical one, suggested they stock up on some supplies. Together, they navigated through the labyrinthine city, until they arrived at their destination - a bustling grocery store brimming with life and a wide array of choices.

Y/n took a deep breath, stepping out of the car and inhaling the scent of fresh produce and baked goods wafting through the air. Meanwhile, Mikasa swiftly locked the vehicle.

The grocery store was a cornucopia of sights and sounds, each aisle tempting the senses with its colorful displays and tantalizing fragrances. Mikasa led the way, deftly maneuvering through the maze while Y/n trailed closely behind, occasionally spotting something intriguing and veering off course.

At one point, Mikasa's eyes sparkled with excitement as she spotted a shelf laden with a variety of beers. she gravitated toward the selection, meticulously inspecting the offerings. Within moments, she settled on a box of beers, carefully balancing it in her hands as she made her way to the checkout counter.

The clock struck midnight as Mikasa's car rolled to a graceful stop in front of her inviting house. Y/n felt a sense of excitement wash over them as they stepped out of the vehicle, the cool midnight breeze swirling around them like a whisper of anticipation. Mikasa's warm smile hinted at the promise of a memorable girly night ahead.

Play: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun – Cyndi Lauper

Inside the house, soft lights cast a gentle glow, creating an intimate atmosphere that beckoned the two friends. Mikasa led Y/n into her cozy living room, where plush pillows and blankets begged to be snuggled against. The air was infused with a light fragrance of lavender, imparting a calming aura to their nocturnal escapade.

As they settled onto the cozy couch, Mikasa revealed a treasure trove of indulgences poised to transform their night into a haven of girly delights. Bowls of delectable snacks, ranging from sweet to savory, overflowed on the coffee table, tempting their taste buds with their mouthwatering aromas.

With their stomachs happily sated, the duo ventured into a realm of beauty rituals. Mikasa produced an assortment of masks, lotions, and potions, each promising to transport them to a realm of rejuvenation. Y/n giggled, their faces adorned with colorful masks, as they pampered their skin and allowed the nourishing ingredients to work their magic.

The room became a sanctuary of giggles and secrets as they confided in each other, sharing tales of dreams, aspirations, and past escapades. Their bond deepened with each heartfelt revelation, weaving an unbreakable thread of trust and friendship between them.Midnight whispered promises of mischief, and Mikasa's mischievous grin hinted at the adventures that lay ahead. She produced a stack of board games, ranging from classics to new favorites, igniting their competitive spirits. The room crackled with laughter and friendly banter as they engaged in spirited battles of strategy and luck, each moment etching memories into the fabric of their souls.

As the night grew darker, Mikasa switched on a string of twinkling lights, casting a magical glow across the room. The music of their favorite songs filled the air, and without hesitation, they abandoned themselves to the rhythm. Dancing with abandon, their movements synchronized in a dance of joy, evoking the freedom and wildness of their spirits.

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