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As she strolled through the enchanting streets of Liberio, the young woman's gaze fixated on the soft glow emanating from the street lamps, evoking a heavy sigh to escape her lips.

 A pang of longing consumed her thoughts - why had love eluded her? What was it about her that left the world aloof?

 Despite her undeniable beauty, numerous suitors vied for her attention, only to be met with rejection, as none managed to kindle the flicker of affection within her.

Seeking solace, she sought refuge in her cherished café, beckoning a familiar American drink to comfort her troubled mind. As she patiently waited for her order, thoughts continued to plague her. She turned to her loving parents, yearning for answers, yet their explanations remained elusive, insisting that she would comprehend the true essence of love only when she experienced it firsthand.

But what was love, truly?

In that serendipitous moment, fate interwove their paths as the young girl encountered the man bearing her beloved Americano.

 As their eyes locked, time seemed to freeze, captivated by the intensity of their connection. 

She found herself lost, engulfed in the depth of his gaze. 

"Apologies, but I must attend to other patrons," he conveyed with a hint of weariness, offering a fleeting smile. Yet even within that fleeting gesture, her heart fluttered, dancing to a joyous rhythm. 

Grateful, she reciprocated the smile, accepting her precious beverage. Her eyes wandered towards the engraved nameplate gracing his apron - Eren. A name that resonated within her. "Thank you, Eren," she expressed, overcome with gratitude, as another smile graced her lips.  But before she could relish the moment, he swiftly left, departing from her presence all too soon.

After savoring the last sip of her Americano, she bid farewell to the cozy café and embarked on her journey back to her small yet charming apartment. The corners of her lips curled upwards as she entered her abode, a place that radiated both comfort and contentment. Slipping out of her daytime attire, she exchanged her clothes for the familiar coziness of her favorite pajamas, ready to surrender to the solace of her bed.

The night sky wrapped her in its gentle embrace as exhaustion pulled her into a deep slumber. However, her tranquility was abruptly interrupted when her phone buzzed, illuminating the room with its soft glow. Blinking away the drowsiness, she reluctantly reached for her buzzing device, her tired eyes struggling to focus on the text from her friend.

"Hello Y'n, what's up? Are you free this Sunday?" the message read, casting a glimmer of intrigue into her weary mind. She mustered the energy to compose a response, lazily stating, 

"Yup, why?" A prompt reply swiftly followed, filling her heart with anticipation. 

"I'm throwing a party at 7 p.m in my humble abode. Consider yourself invited, no questions asked!" The text elicited a carefree giggle from her, as she marveled at her friend's playful persistence. Placing her phone back onto the bedside table, she nestled back into her bed, her thoughts drifting towards the excitement that awaited her on Sunday night.

𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐦 𝐎𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | Eren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now