It made her shiver.

As she got into the dorm room, she went straight to the bathroom. Brushing her teeth and washing her face.

The ice cold water gliding over her cheeks was euphoric. It was like electric running through her, jolting her awake, refreshing and preparing her for the day.

As she brought her head back up and looked in the mirror, she jumped seeing a figure behind her.

"You're up early" Drew said from behind her. His figure standing so close to her in the mirror made her jump. Only slightly, and she didn't give him the satisfaction to see it.

Emery nodded, swallowing a lump in her throat. She gazed at him through the reflection, his eyes were dark and his mouth and jaw were clenched, as if her were irritated or angry. She felt her heart speed up.

"So are you", she replied. Drews expression then turned into a sly smile, approaching her slowly from behind.

"I didn't see you, yesterday, in the dorm. Or this morning. Your bed has been empty every time I  go to sleep and every time I wake up. Little strange, don't you think? A little, coincidental". Emery nodded

"How observant". She jabbed back. "It's a little creepy how much you know about my sleep schedule Drew".

"Where were you?" He hissed, ignoring her statement and interrogated.

"None of your business".

"Fucking slut". Emery turned around to face him.

"What did you just call me?" She spat.

"I called you a fucking slut" Drew repeated, "how is it you get to fuck the leaders and become the golden girl of dauntless. Untouchable and top of the class, while the rest of us suffer". Emery snorted at him.

"Drew, you can think what you want, but if you truly believe that I'm fucking my way to the top; you are one of the stupidest people I've ever met. Considering you're watching me so much, you should also see that I'm in the Pit earlier and later than anybody here; and I win all my fights and I train hard. I'm looking forward to the day I get to knock you on your ass". Emery spat back at him, smashing into his shoulder as she walked away.

"Do you really think you're strong enough to 'knock me in my ass'?" Drew's voiced got deeper and darker. "Especially after the other night".

Emery froze at his words.

"Must have been scary. The chasm is one hell of a drop". He finished.

Emery looked at him again, a sick smile was on his face. "Should've guessed", she noted. "You always were Mollys little lap dog, I feel sorry for you Drew I really do", Emery stated. "With Molly gone, how are you gonna find another girl desperate enough to sleep with you?"

"You're a fucking bitch you know that?"

"And you're a conniving, manipulative, cowardly piece of shit", Emery retorted, "how does it feel to lose to a girl asshole, and lose bad".

Emery walked up close to him, his face was angry and she could tell he was about to explode, relishing in getting under his skin. "If you ever come at me again, your head will be going through a wall, understand?"



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