Chapter 27: Freeze

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The next morning Jimin was going to announce the pregnancy to the remaining members. However, there was a commotion in the living room where Jungkook stared at himself in the mirror in disbelief.

"What's going on?" Yoongi asked him.

"I don't know," Jungkook replied, "I went to the studio to record and then I couldn't sing. I think I had my talent switch."

"I honestly thought you would've lost your dance talent," J-Hope commented.

"The singing one makes more sense," Jin said.

"It doesn't matter, he lost his talent and now we have to deal with it. However, it'll be different this time since there's no more secrets," Namjoon shared.

"Already done hyung," Jungkook said, "I posted on Twitter and Weverse that I will be taking some time off until I find my soulmate."

"And we don't have any upcoming shows so there really isn't anything to worry about other than delaying our recording slightly but the rest of us can do our parts," Taehyung said.

"I love that we don't have to lie anymore. I can just casually freeze my idol activities while looking for my soulmate."

"Hmm, freeze...maybe I should..." Jimin thought to himself.

He then suddenly walked out of the dorm leaving the others to wonder why he left so abruptly.

At Juliette's new apartment, she was making herself some breakfast when she heard her doorbell ring and went to see who it was; it was Jimin. When he arrived, she finished cooking and then sat with Jimin at the dining table.

"What brings you so early in the day?" she asked him with a smile.

"I know that yesterday I said I don't need to know why you don't want our baby," he began, "But if you don't mind me asking, why?"

"Oh well, I am very happy I can have a biological child with you but I would've liked to have a couple years to myself in this apartment while you settle things with BTS before we had a child. I guess I'm afraid of losing my freedom and the baby would get in the way of what I had planned for a couple years."

"And you still feel that way?"

"A little but I've come to terms with it."

"What if there was a way to...stop your pregnancy?"

Juliette almost choked on her breakfast.

"You want me to get an abortion? You know those are only given when the woman or baby are in serious medical risk right?"

"An abortion would mean completely getting rid of the baby but I do want to have this child...just maybe not right now."

"But how do we do that?"

"We can freeze the baby until we're ready. Then we can continue the pregnancy as usual."

Juliette dropped her utensils in shock.

"We can do that?"

Jimin nodded his head.

Author's Note: Yes it is possible to freeze a fetus and then have it later (doesn't even have to be back to the biological mother). It has been done before.

"Do you wan..."

"Yes! Please! Yes! I WANT TO!" Juliette interrupted him.

Jimin stared at her with a blank expression.

"But...are you willing to wait?" she asked calmly.

"I didn't even know we could have a baby until two days ago so if anything, I was never expecting a child. I want to do what makes you more comfortable, especially after what you have done for me. I will wait if that's what you want to do."

"I really thank you for understanding. I promise to dedicate all my attention to our child when I feel ready."

"And I will wait however long you'd like to."

They quickly shared a kiss before he let her finish her breakfast. They then set up an appointment with their doctor to go through with the surgery and freezing process. Since she was already a month into her pregnancy, the appointment was scheduled for the day right after, before the baby was too big for the procedure.

In the evening of the following day, they went to the hospital to get the surgery done. It took a couple of hours but once it was done, Jimin was let into the hospital room to check on Juliette. However, she was still asleep from the anesthesia they had given her. Jimin stayed over at the hospital that night.

When Juliette woke up after having slept through the entire night, she looked over to the guest bed next to her and saw it was empty. She called her nurse to ask for help with changing the gauze from the cut they did. The nurse arrived with her doctor who informed her:

"Mr. Park will be out of surgery shortly," she shared.

"Surgery? For what? Is he ok?" Juliette asked in shock.

"Please do not move Ms. Dupont," the nurse said.


"Mr. Park is totally fine," the doctor continued, "He is just getting his vasectomy procedure done."

"He got a vasectomy?"

"I thought you would've known."

"I was never informed."

"I guess you'll have a lot to talk about when he's done."

Twenty minutes later, Jimin returned to her room and sat next to her. They stared at each other in silence for a minute before Juliette blurted out:

"A vasectomy? Why?"

"You don't want to have kids anytime soon right?"

"That is true."

"And birth control is so bad for you. I'd never ask you to take that for me. Now we don't have to worry about another baby and you won't have to take horrible pills."

She held his hand.

"You are the perfect man."

"I try to be."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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