Chapter 23: The Circus Girl

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A week later, tour began. Taehyung had figured out that his soulmate's talent was aerobatics. It had taken them several days before they figured that one out from how uncommon it was. Using his first clue, he found out that his soulmate was a part of a circus but that's all he was given for the time being. They didn't know when he would next switch talents and gain another clue but they prayed it did not happen during their shows. They prepared the sound staff with Taehyung's recorded vocals to all the songs in case he suddenly wasn't able to sing, they could just turn on his recorded track and continue the show.

Halfway through the third month of shows, in London, everyone woke up the morning of the concert to head to the venue and do soundcheck for the VIP crew. But, when they woke up, Taehyung did not answer his door. They used Namjoon's master key (that he was given as the leader) and went into his hotel room to see an empty bed.

"Where did my hyung go?" Jungkook asked.

"Let's not panic," Jin suggested, "Maybe he went out for a walk."

"Someone call him," Namjoon instructed.

J-Hope called him on his phone but there was no answer.

"It went straight to voicemail, he may have turned his phone off," J-Hope shared with everyone.

"He still has several hours before the show starts. I'll text him to meet us there and inform our manager that he is out," Namjoon said.

Everyone nodded and continued with their day. Soundcheck time came around and he still hadn't shown up.

"Any news from him?" Namjoon asked them.

"He texted me a little ago to not worry about him and that he'd be back in time," J-Hope said.

"That's a relief. I guess we can do soundcheck without him."

"But what do we tell the soundcheck people? They're outside waiting for all seven of us."

"I'll handle it," Namjoon said.

When they came out, before performing, they announced that Taehyung wasn't feeling too well due to a sore throat so he would be skipping out on soundcheck to rest up before the concert later in the evening. Lots of people gave finger hearts and said "Feel better V" before continuing with soundcheck.

After soundcheck, they began to change into their outfits for the concert with no sign of Taehyung anywhere. J-Hope called him again but no response except a text that said "I'll be there soon."

Five minutes before the show started, Taehyung ran backstage but he wasn't alone. He was accompanied by a young lady around his age who was dressed in a very sparkly leotard and exotic makeup.

"Guys this is Erika, my soulmate, long story. I'm gonna get changed and we will be out in five," he quickly said and went to change leaving everyone else with Erica.

"So're his soulmate. How did you meet?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah we..." she began.

"Sorry to cut you off Merida," Namjoon interrupted her.

"It's Erika," she said.

"Right, sorry, but we have a show to start so please go wait in the dressing room with the back up dancers and you can watch the show from the TV in their room."

"Taehyung gave me a ticket for the front row actually, he said a security person would escort me."

"Of course he did," Namjoon mumbled before yelling, "Security! Please escort this young lady to the front! And make sure to bring her right back here when it's over."

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