Chapter 9: The Spark is Gone

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At HYBE, Juliette dragged Jimin into one of the practice rooms and he still had no idea why she had dragged him there at night.

"Juliette, why are we here? Do you need me to watch you rehearse something?" he asked her, kindly.

"When I was talking to Valerie, she made me realize how selfish I've been this whole time. I bet you miss performing and got stuck with all the bad parts of being an idol," she told him.

"I do miss performing but I still get to participate in the interviews; it's one way I'm able to express my thoughts about the projects we're working on. Besides, I've found painting to be very enjoyable and less stressful than performing."

"Yeah but what about when you guys tour? I can't be you then, people will pick up on it."

"I can't dance anymore so you're going to have to be me."

"I brought you here so I can teach you how to dance. I have your talent so I should be able to help you relearn."

"Ok, I'm willing to try."

Juliette put on some music for them to warm up before starting the harder things. She began with trying to reteach him some easy BTS choreographies. Jimin looked like he had two left feet and couldn't keep up at all. Seeing how hard it was for him, Juliette stopped to check in.

"How do you feel right now Jimin?"

"I feel ridiculous. I can't even seem to find a beat anymore."

"Anything we can do to help you find a beat?"

"This is going to sound kind of dumb but remember a song Jin made named 'Super Tuna'?"

"The one he filmed in LA last year? I know it."

"That choreography is super simple, maybe I should start with that."

"That's a good idea actually. Let's try that."

Juliette queued "Super Tuna" on the projector and they decided to follow Jin as if they were playing Just Dance. Jimin even then had a hard time following along and didn't get the arm movements right, which is what most of the dance consisted of anyway. When the song ended, Jimin sighed and sat on the floor leaning against the mirror.

"What's wrong Jimin? Was it really that difficult for you?"

"It's like the whole idea of dance disappeared, my body can't do it. That spark I used to have when I danced, it's gone. Like, a candle that burned out and I can't relight it."

"You just need a new lighter, that's all, we can make the candle burn again."

"It's not that easy Juliette. This is pointless. I f*cked up our life."

"Let me help you."

She gently smiled at him and reached to hold his hand but he abruptly moved it away from her and stood up.

"I can't do this."

Jimin walked out of the dance studio leaving Juliette against the mirror by herself. Instead of being discouraged, she thought about what might help Jimin regain his passion for dance.

"Maybe I'm the problem," she spoke to herself, "Maybe I'm just not a good teacher."

After thinking in silence for a minute, she got a huge smile on her face and walked out of the studio to find Jimin. He had been sitting in the lobby looking at one of the music videos playing on the TV screen and was kind of depressed. She went up to him and held his hand, this time he didn't reject it. They both looked at the video.

"I promise, you will dance again. Let's go back to the dorm," she told him.

Juliette drove them back to the dorm so they could post the painting Jimin made of Juliette. Valerie captioned it saying Juliette created a self portrait because she had never made one before and wanted to try something new.

The next morning, she was getting some of her followers back. Rehearsal was canceled so they could have a day off but Juliette asked Jimin to go to the studio again but only to watch her dance this time. When they arrived, J-Hope was in the studio as well.

"I wasn't expecting Hoseok hyung to be here. I thought he came to do a meeting with one of the producers for his new solo album," Jimin commented.

"I am going to have that meeting, but it's later in the evening. Juliette told me to help you learn to dance again," J-Hope said.

Jimin crossed his arms and looked at Juliette, a bit annoyed.

"I know you said it's pointless," Juliette began, "But I was thinking J-Hope would be a better teacher than me since he usually teaches the choreographies to the rest of you. I can dance like you because I have your talent but I don't know how to teach it to you."

"What's your favorite BTS song to perform Jimin?" J-Hope asked him.

"I love all of them but I think 'Dionysus' would be in my top three favorites. It has such a strong and powerful choreography that hypes me up."

"For a beginner that's very hard but you're Park Jimin so let's do it."

They began with stretches again and Jimin was more optimistic than the previous night. J-Hope retaught him the easy part of "Dionysus" which was the chorus, even fans could somewhat mimic the arm movements. Jimin had a hard time following along so Juliette and J-Hope moved his arms like a puppet for him to get used to it. Then they tried to move his legs too but it was much harder so they decided to do one at a time; arms and then legs. After moving Jimin's arms several times, they let go so he could do it on his own but he forgot everything he just did.

"That's ok, we'll do it once more," J-Hope said.

They moved his arms again.

"I remember, I got it," Jimin said.

The music played again and Jimin was frozen. J-Hope stopped the music and Juliette cautiously approached Jimin and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"You ok?" she asked him in a hushed tone.

"I can't do this," he mumbled.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you."

"I said that I CAN'T DO THIS!" he yelled at Juliette.

She was unphased knowing how frustrated he must be feeling. J-Hope didn't know what to say other than also try to comfort him by gently patting his back telling him it was ok.

"It's normal for beginners to feel frustrated. 'Dionysus' is difficult," Juliette calmly told him.

"I'm not A BEGINNER!" he said and pushed both of them away from him, "I am Park Jimin, I am in BTS' dance line, I have been an idol for nine years, I have been dancing for my whole life, I am not a beginner! I am Park Jimin...I am Park Jimin...I am...Park Jimin..."

As he repeated his name, he got more frustrated and began to feel a knot in his throat. He felt defeated and useless before he started to cry. Juliette ran to comfort him and held onto his shoulders and had him face her as his eyes were damp.

"Hey, you are Park Jimin, that's why you can learn to dance again."

He gently shrugged so Juliette would let go of him.

"I will never be the idol I used to be."

Jimin ran away from the studio and Juliette tried to follow him but J-Hope stopped her.

"Give him some space, he should clear his mind. This is a lot on him."

"I just want to help him," Juliette disclosed.

"You have been doing great, but give it a rest. C'mon, you and I can rehearse a bit while he takes a breather."

"Ok," she said, gloomy.

J-Hope and Juliette rehearsed while Jimin took a walk.

Painting With Dance (A Jimin Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें