Chapter 6: Stuck This Way

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Juliette pushed Jimin away from her while the other members stared in disbelief.

"Jimin! Why did you kiss me?" Juliette yelled at him.

"Because we're in love," he replied.

"Why on Earth did you think we're in love? We just met!"

"You said yesterday that you were in love with me in high school and still obsessed with me to this day. Then right now, you said you care about me and kissed my cheek."

"I care about you and love you as a fan! Not romantically! And you have to be in love with me too, you know?"

"And I am!"

"How? You know nothing about me?"

"I know you're an amazing artist, you love what I do and don't mind that I'm a celebrity, you're kind, responsible, and you were considerate of my feelings when leaving. Not to mention you're gorgeous too. How could I not be in love with you?"

"You know what this means right?"

"That we can control our talent switch and we don't have to worry about it anymore!"

"No Jimin! Because we weren't in love with each other, now I'm the dancer and you're the painter."

"I'm sure you love me and I love you, just watch. We can still do our own talent."

Jimin dragged her to the living room where he put on the chorus of "Airplane Pt. 2" so he could dance to it as the others gathered around and sat at the couches. Jimin attempted to dance the choreography but wasn't able to.

"We haven't performed this song in a long time. I just can't remember the choreography," Jimin commented.

Jimin switched the song to "Butter" which was slightly more recent and attempted to perform that too but failed yet again.

"I think I'm really nervous and can't perform because of the stress," he added.

"Jimin, enough!" Juliette yelled.

Jungkook, who was next to the speaker, paused the music and the room went dead silent. To break the silence, Taehyung spoke up.

"May I make a suggestion as to how we can be sure about a permanent switch?"

Juliette kindly smiled and nodded at Taehyung.

"If Juliette truly is the dancer now, she should know the choreographies to the new songs we've released but haven't performed or shown the choreos to yet."

Everyone nodded in agreement and Jimin played one of their songs they released earlier that year. Juliette closed her eyes and let the song speak to her and she was easily able to do the choreography to a song she had heard many times before but never saw performed live. All the members looked at Juliette in awe as Jimin's expression grew sadder by the second. After the first chorus, Jungkook paused the song.

"You see Jimin? I am the dancer now which means neither of us or only one of us was in love. Thanks to you, we're now permanently stuck this way."

"I'm sorry," is all Jimin could say.

"Sorry? You're sorry? That doesn't solve anything. I was going to be an amazing artist in France and you are expected to perform for millions of people in the future. You just doomed the both of us. I hope your kiss was worth it."

Juliette began to walk away from the living room back to the hallway where her suitcases were waiting for her. Before leaving through the front door, she directed her attention to Jimin who was still in the living room surrounded by the others.

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