ch8 : Discovery

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Isaac stood out among the researchers. His silver eyes looked in front of him

Roger's Terminator Armor.

An Armor with dozens of slashes from the Knight, some parts of the Armor melted, leaving not a single sign that this is his Armor, almost all electronic equipment and life systems were fried after a nuclear explosion.

His eyes glanced at one of the monitor panels, exposing his armor closely and showing the damage dealt by the Knight, the lower part of his stomach was visible which had a small concentration of crystals that could not and only remained from that part.

Knight heat blades or organic plasma blades, plasma slashes look very clean which would normally melt and leave a big, clear mess, obviously more to the laser or plasma laser like.


No results so far and no cameras, the CIA has gone to interrogate or talk to them. No information I found and the battle data that took place only radiation readings I found, no one saw it and no one thought that it was there.

There is no confirmation of mind-controlling or memory-busting substances, if our equipment is advanced enough to detect them... they're assholes.

What else is this really?


General Patriot is in his new office. Just a simple office with a few plants next to his side window, one picture frame beside his hand showing his wife and adopted son.

It's only limited until we can build a more viable base, he has to assign a lot of EOD operators handling suicide bombing spiders, I have to admit the military doesn't feel in place because this place looks like Earth is not a barren and dead world, rather we are in the mold of another Earth sucks in its own way.

Unwarranted we are here to secure the first city to be built for mankind and their new home if Earth is overwhelmed in the Alian Wars, a dark future but we must really be prepared for all things.

On the other hand I feel very irritated explosive spiders of various sizes interfere with many operations and tasks. But if you look at it from the side of the eyes of scientists then know this as an incredible gold mine. This is a mysterious planet and very similar to Earth I see all the research and government efforts to develop this planet is a legitimate certainty for us to claim this planet Home 2 and our reserve home.

The animals and plants have many variants that are similar to the Earth, we become the most absurd mystery that we still have to solve the future later, at least we know that there is a reliable natural source of food in the future.

... spiders and snails with crystals, astronomy officers and experts will get their full telescopes and equipment in the next week, as from me really scared and amazed value, of course there is still fear and worry.

Wormholes have given us grace through the deadly and dangerous vacuum of outer space, the aliens are using this to reach us and the Alians might get the same fate.

I looked out the window, the view was of a city and a fast-built industrial sector on this side, thousands of small contraction drones moving through the building frame and working while on the road there were trucks working automatically, in the sky dozens of small airships flying carrying contraction material, this location is our first center and its defense is our interest.

On the west side, his eyes can see the 10-storey apartment completed he is not the only one there are dozens of the same, in the East there is his military base a little away from this industrial and civil center, several Monorail lines are being built between this small town to make it easier for civilians to move.

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