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~ changed the character aesthetics, do check them out and tell me how you like it!

6 Months Later

A mellifluous sound from the Koel sitting on the tree outside his window woke him up. Dev rubbed his eyes forcing them open. Pertaining to his everyday ritual of checking his phone to see if she had sent any message, Dev opened his phone with hope.

He had grown used to this disappointment of looking at messages she never received.
Sighing, Dev got up and walked to the open window. His thoughts naturally drifted to the time when he could catch a glimpse of Vedangi every now and then through this window. Recalling the scene of Vedangi dancing to Masakali with a broom in her hand made him laugh spontaneously. She wasn't here but she still made him smile everyday.

Vedangi sighed looking at the watch. She was late for college again. Shuffling through her wardrobe, Vedangi picked out a yellow kurta and her favourite pair of blue jeans. She was about to close the door when her eyes fell on a brown top sitting in a corner of the shelf. It was the same top that she had worn when had Dev complimented her by saying Brown looks good on you.
A smile made its way to her face at that memory. On sleepless nights Vedangi would often wonder what the recent developments in Bangalore were. She missed Dev's parents and regretted it till date for leaving without notice.
Vedangi missed Chandni as well who had relentlessly rooted for Vedangi to be with Dev.
Vedangi missed her workplace and Dhruv. The logical debates she had with him at lunchtime were too good to stop so abruptly. She had not heard from him nor from the Padikkals after she disappeared in September last year.

Disha stepped out of the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Airport at Mumbai in hopes of her plan to turn out successful. After numerous attempts of tracking down Vedangi for the past six months, Disha had finally found a trustable lead. She had been to Lucknow thrice and this was the fifth time that she was in Mumbai in search of Vedangi. Disha had contacted Vedangi's friends from her college days at Sorabji Law College. Many of them were clueless due to lack of contact but some of them had proved to be of help to Disha.
Richa, a close friend of Vedangi was in acquaintance with Disha for the last month. Disha had patiently explained the whole situation to Richa who had immediately agreed to provide all the help she could.

The last period bell rang with a shrill pitch indicating the end of lectures for today. Vedangi quickly shoved her books inside the bag and walked to the college gate. She had not taken ten steps ahead until a figure blocked her path. Vedangi looked bewildered on spotting Disha Rajan standing infront of her.
"Vedangi! Finally! Where were you all these days?" Disha questioned holding her firmly by hands.
Vedangi found it hard to respond to this question. "Disha, what are you doing in Mumbai?" She stuttered slightly.
"I'm here for you! Can we please sit and talk?" Disha requested and Vedangi agreed.

Ten minutes later, Vedangi and Disha sat face to face in a cosy Cafe at the end of the road. It provided enough privacy for a potently important conversations.
"Please come back! He needs you." Disha pleaded. Vedangi gaped at her at this statement.
"Who are you talking about?" She questioned.
"Dev obviously!" Disha exclaimed.
Vedangi's heart clenched at the mention of his name. Everytime she read the name in the news or on Instagram, she couldn't help but reminisce the moment when he had asked her to address him as Dev.
"Please, he desperately needs you! After you went he has not been the same. He loves you Vedangi! He loves you like Darcy loved Elizabeth." Disha's voice conveyed the urgency that she meant to convey.
Vedangi was too stunned to speak. She had just been told that the person she loved unconditionally also loves her back.
"What - what about you and Dev?" Vedangi's voice quivered as she enquired with Disha.
"Whatever that was is in the past. I agree that we loved each other at a point of time, I still do. But believe me, I only want to see him happy and you're the only person who makes him happy. I cannot bear to see him sink little by little everyday." Disha revealed.
"The last six months have taken a tremendous toll on him. The day you left, you took with you his soul! He looks so lifeless and sick with all the yearning and hoping that is left in him."
"The thing with introverts is, they find it very hard to express what they feel. Three years back when I left for London, Dev failed to express his feelings and during Chandni's wedding he had resolved on not repeating it again but all of us know what happened after." Disha spoke genuinely.
Vedangi listened intently while her eyes started to well up.

"Realizing that they have fallen in love is like all hell breaking loose for introverts.
You wreak havoc in their silent world though in a positive way and they're new to this development. Before they can have a control over their emotions, they've fallen too hard, too deep."
"Dev tried to resist you but you had already become the centre of his universe. Can you believe he learnt how to play the guitar for you?!". Disha revealed. Vedangi's hand flew to her mouth at this piece of information.
Had Dev really learnt the guitar for her?

"Don't believe me? Wait till you watch this!" Disha urged and pulled out her phone from her pocket. She kept it in front of Vedangi, playing a video from her gallery.
Vedangi watched curiously as Dev strummed the guitar slowly. He looked thinner than usual, his beard was unkempt and messy. The only thing constant was his favourite hoodie on his body.

Jaane mein kaise, tera hua hu? Mujhe toh lagta hai mein shayad tere dil ki dua hoon haa
Tujhko jo paaya, toh jeena aaya
Ab ye lamha theher jaye, tham jaye, bass jaye hum dono ke darmiyaan

Vedangi smiled wholeheartedly through her tears. Dev's voice was a blend of agony and hope. It was a heartfelt confession of love, the purest form of love Vedangi could have ever received.
She looked at Disha amazed.
"See! Did you ever expect Dev to get all Bollywood style romantic?" Disha laughed.
"It takes a great deal for introverts to approach you no matter how lovesick they are. Isn't this video a proof of how deeply in love he is with you? You're the sunshine that keeps him alive, you've shown him rainbows on his uninteresting drawing paper. He's ready to throw himself at your mercy, please go to him." Disha held Vedangi's hand conveying the desperation.
"I salute your selflessness Vedangi, you're one of a kind. It takes a great deal of courage to let go and you've taught me that. I want to see him and you happy together." Disha smiled at Vedangi.

"And don't forget to invite me at your wedding! I'll be Disha Maasi to your kids!" Disha chuckled as a lone tear made its way down her eyes.
Vedangi got up and embraced Disha tightly. If not for Disha, Vedangi would've never felt euphoric like she did today. Having been in the position Disha currently was in, Vedangi had a detailed idea of the torment that came with letting go. Despite of this, Disha had approached her for the sake of Dev.

It was today that Vedangi realized that she lived in the world she always dreamt of. Devoid of jealousy, selfishness and cruelty was what an ideal world meant to her. Disha was an example of that ideal world. A world full of positivity, gratitude, compassion and encouragement was ultimately possible. Women supporting women was the need of the hour. Female friendships were valuable and Vedangi was glad to find one in Disha.


How coincidental is it that Vedangi is from Lucknow and Dev will now play for Lucknow Supergiants??!
It's written in the stars😭

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