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"Bhaiyya jaldi karo! Bohot kaam baki hai!" Vedangi urged the decorator to hurry up.
"Chill dude it's just an engagement." A masculine voice startled her. Vedangi turned around to see Dhruv standing right behind her.
"What are you doing here?!" Vedangi asked in a surprised tone as she proceeded to hug him.
"Like you, I'm a favourite too. Chandni ma'am invited me herself. We are the only elite people among the interns." He winked at the last part of his statement.
"Also, you look really nice!" Dhruv appreciated her.
Vedangi rolled her eyes "Dhruv this is not the outfit I'm going to wear. This is only a normal kurta."
"Either way, you look nice." Dhruv smiled.

The whole scenario did not sit well with a particular person watching from the other end of the courtyard. Devdutt's resentment only increased when he saw Disha's cousin flirting with Vedangi.
God forbid, could she not find another Dhruv?

It was Chandni's engagement with Aakash. They had met each other in law college and dated for seven years before deciding to get married. Devdutt and Vedangi had come up with a hashtag for them. 
Currently, she was looking at the welcome card at the entrance that said

We extend a warm welcome to everyone on this elating occasion. Let's celebrate the engagement of Chandni Padikkal and Aakash Nair.

"Looks nice, doesn't it?" Devdutt spoke close to Vedangi's ear. She couldn't help but shiver at their closeness. His breath hit the nape of her neck, eliciting goosebumps.
Regaining her composure, she replied.
"Definitely! And stop scaring me Devdutt."
"You can call me Dev." He looked at her.
Vedangi was taken by surprise at this statement of his.
"You allow you enemies to call you Dev as well?"
He let out a little laugh at the way she was mildly surprised. Before he could reply, they heard Ambili Padikkal calling out Vedangi's name. He gestured her to go but not before making a funny face.

It was five in the evening when Chandni walked out of the room and to the stage. The flowery canopy covering the stage from above looked visually pleasing with the late sunrays peering through its gaps. Blue Orchids enhanced the aesthetic and contrasted well with the sky that was slowly morphing into an orangy pink tinge.
Devdutt cheered for his sister and Aakash as he stepped forward and helped Chandni climb upon the stage.

He was smiling widely and clapping until he saw Vedangi walk up on the stage. If senses going out of the window was a thing, Dev experienced it that moment. She looked ethereal, like a literal angel in the red Anarkali suit that contrasted with her skintone. Her black tresses glowed in the sunlight, making them appear brown. Dev did not fail in noticing the Gajra wrapped around the long braid.
Was he falling for her? No way.
He could only imagine how it felt to run his fingers through her hair and touch her sensually.

Vedangi saw Dev staring at her intensely. Was he looking at her or at Chandni? Why would he look at her when she was an absolute nobody?
Only the thought of him possibly staring at her was torturously hot to her. Vedangi turned her head to the right, annoyed at herself for blushing at imaginary scenarios.

Twilight had set in. The sky was a beautiful blend of pink, purple, dark blue with tinges of orange. Vedangi watched the colourful canvas above her in awe. Twilight was her favorite time of the day. A whole album in her phone's gallery consisted of sky pictures she had clicked ever since she was seventeen.
"Can I talk to you?" Dev appeared at her side with his hands in his pockets.
"Go on." She urged.
"Right when I thought everything was getting back on track, it's derailing again." Dev sighed.
"Matlab?" Vedangi folded her hands across her chest.
"Disha is returning to Bangalore." Dev revealed. Vedangi's heart clenched at the news. She could feel tears beginning to form.
Only the news of her returning is making her cry, what would happen when she actually sees Dev with Disha?

Taking a deep breath, she looked up at Dev. "And you're in mental conflict, aren't you?"
Devdutt looked at her surprised. She had made a correct guess without him telling her the problem.
"Yeah I guess I am." He agreed.
"Aren't you happy? Your wait is finally over." Vedangi put on a brave facade and questioned him.
"More than happy, I am uncertain." He replied genuinely.
"I don't know if she's still into me or not. She probably has a boyfriend. I don't know how I'll react once I see her." Dev added.
"This is where overthinking comes into action. She loves you as much as you do." Vedangi reasoned.
"How do you know that?" Dev raised an eyebrow at her.
"I just know." She smiled.
"Only one thing, don't fool yourself. Aage bhi in life, don't just get carried away because the opposite person makes you. It is never too late. Never too late to apologize, confess or thank." Vedangi looked at the fairy lights around the tree as she shared a piece of her mind with him.
"You should be a therapist, faltu mein lawyer ban gayi." Dev joked and she laughed wholeheartedly.
Her laugh was indeed adding to the beauty around them and Dev wanted to keep staring.
"According to law, lying in the court is a sin but a bigger sin to me is lying to yourself. You keep lying to yourself and one day life slaps you hard with the truth." She stated philosophically and then looked at him.

The warmth of appreciation in his eyes was skin tingling. He had not even touched her, yet her skin yearned to be set on fire.
"Do you like Dhruv?" Devdutt asked curiously.
"What? No! He's a friend." Vedangi laughed it off.
"Then who is it that you like?" He persisted.
"You." Vedangi poked a finger in his chest, trying to sound seductive.
"Really?!" Dev asked disbelievingly, only to sigh at the way she threw a laughing fit.
"In your dreams crocodile!"

Vedangi straightened up and was about to walk off when she felt a hand circling around her wrist. Pressing her lips together, closing her eyes for a split second, she turned around to find him holding her wrist.
"Thankyou. I won't lie to myself but you shouldn't too. Or else it will be a case of not practicing what you preach." Devdutt expressed his gratitude.
"Welcome and now please let me go, this dress is making my skin itch badly!" She added the last part laughing.

He let go of her hand and Vedangi rushed to the washroom. Slamming the door shut, she kept a hand on her heart to calm down the heartbeat that had skyrocketed erratically.
As if on queue, a tear slipped down her eye as she memorized the whole conversation. Eyes can be serious traitors. An ignorant smile made its way to her face on remembering the philosophy she threw his way.
Don't lie to yourself? What a joke.

From day one of coming to terms with her feelings for him, she had accepted that Dev was not destined for her. Yet her heart held a treacherous thought that maybe she had a chance with him.
Now that Disha was re-entering his life, it was a sign for her to permanently lock the love and throw it in the sea.

ना तुम जानो ना हम..

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