"Who said anything about love?"

Love? I've only known Isaiah for two weeks. Love is definitely the last thing on my mind. I've only just began to learn how to navigate Pine View. I might have a crush on him but it will stay that way.

"Just heed my words." Astrid asserts.

"Yes sensei."

"Mock me all you want but you'll remember my words if you aren't careful." She warns.

She is making a mountain out of a mole hill but she is my big sister and I look up to her so I agree. "I hope I never have to."

"I hope so too."

Now that we have talked I feel much better and ready to face my day.

"Thanks Astrid, I needed that talk."

"You're welcome. I'm always here for you but next time wait until business hours please." She demands playfully.

"Yes ma'am, go back to sleep. I love you."

"Love you too. I'll see you in a couple of days."

"I can't wait."

We hang up and I can finally breath easier now. Astrid has made me realize that I am slowly coming to like Pine View. She didn't give me a solution on the Isaiah front but I will apologize when I see him tomorrow and hope that out little dance didn't ruin the friendship that we are building.

I did like it though especially the way he was looking at me and the feeling of his hands on my body. He was shy at first being the gentleman that he is until I had to literally take his hands and put them on my body. When he grabbed my ass, dear Lord in heaven.

I feel a blush rising in my cheeks which is my cue to get up and go get some breakfast. Enough thinking about Isaiah.

I expect the kitchen to be empty until I walk in on my mother having breakfast in her robe. I didn't even know she was home. I haven't seen her or dad since the Friday night Astrid and I hang out and they accused me of going back to my old ways.

"Good morning mother." I greet politely opening the fridge to get some milk.

It's labor day weekend so most of the staff is gone otherwise I'd have loved some eggs. I really need to learn how to cook. I'm sure Glynn made my mom's food but he's not around at the moment so I have to take care of myself.

"Morning, you're up early." She comments sounding shocked.

I would normally pick a fight with her about that but I've recently learnt that the best way to live peacefully with my parents is to avoid any and all confrontation with them.

"I just wanted some breakfast, I had an early dinner last night." I reply quickly making myself a bowl of cereal.

I want to get out of this kitchen as fast as possible before words are exchanged.

"You've been getting in pretty late nowadays." Mother comments with an undertone suggesting that she's fishing for more information.

I am not about to tell her that I got a job. She will not take it well so I decide to embellish the truth.

"Miss June our guidance counselor made me sign up for the senior tutors program. I told you and dad about it last week but you were too busy trying to make me out to be a liar. Anyway I got a few more students to tutor so I end up leaving the school pretty late. There was a basketball game at school yesterday so I attended and hang out with my new classmates after. " I explain.

I am in the senior tutors program and I did get more students this week, I just leave out the part where I got an after school job. I didn't go to the game but I did hang out with my classmates after but she does not need to know it was at a party.

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