Chapter 3:Diplomacy

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previously on Gate Thus UAE fought there

As Ronan flied towards it when he arrive he saw an Enemy Legions are preparing against them, "Hmmm it appears they still have the Numbers..." Said Ronan

(Father you finally arrive) Said Aaron

(And i can see that you have damage them) Said Ronan as behind him his forces are positioning themselves

(Yep, we were able to brought 30 thousand of their number but another reserve of 60 thousand have arrive now they are 90 thousand, me and my Company are ready to burst forth and and attack them from the rear we will make sure none of them escape) Said Aaron

(Good, only prepare as one they are beginning to lost their morale then only then, take no prisoners, for i will waste our food for this savages, Ronan out)

As Ronan glared at the Saderans he then Transform his Armor into Hulkbuster

"The Time has come... Unleash hell" Ronan Ordered

With it the Battle begun



Several Days Later in Sadera

Molt Augustus Emperor of Sadera Maintain a mask of bored and uncaring look as he listen to his senate, though he was a bit worried since for the last 2 weeks  as he was unnerve at the news that they have heard as Marquis Casel was making a statement

"It was Embarrassment your Majesty" Said Casel as he stood  "We lost 6th of our Total Military might of our Empire. what would you have us do?"  he said as the other senators and military whisper among themselves "How would you guide us the state?"

With it Molt respond to his question "Marquies Casel, think about how the people must feel" Said Molt as he put his hand to his head "It is true that our latest loses have cost us our military advantage" he said

"And most disturbing it took our Enemies a Day just to beat our counter offensive with 3 Legions total of 90 thousand with additional 1 legion total of 120 thousand yet they still beaten us to such a speed and not only that it was the same day we invaded them, who and what nation that we tried to conquer" Though of Molt as he ponder about their loses and how did their enemies able to manage to beat them so badly in just mere days instead of months or years even barbarians would still put up a fight

"They worry about that vassals of our state and others may revolt and attack the Imperial Capital itself" Said Molt which he is not that wrong as he suspects them as soon as they would hear the news they might actually revolt and maybe able to accomplish their goal and what of their predecessors fails to do

Molt remove his hand "How Pathetic" he said "Every time our Empire is in Danger, the Emperor, the Senate, and the people become one to confront the danger and bring about even more progress

No war is won without some loss therefor i will not hold anyone responsible of our recent lossess to think that another Nation dares to sorround the imperial city... i trust none of you will waste time in court" He finish as he looked to the senators and the military 

Casel gritted his teeth at that "To pass over all responsibility" He Muttered

"But what shall we do?" said a Military general as he came forth  "The army we sent was defeated in just two days" he said "And now the Gate has been captured  and the enemy is attempting to set up a base in this side"

"Of course we attempt to take back the hill as well but the enemies are at the distance... i have never seen such sorcery, there was even some kind of a metalic being that able to transform into a metal giant and could move fast despite it's large size" He said, as he Remembered the account of the very few that was able to flee as they describe the Hulkbuster

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