Chapter 2:Aftermath

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previously on Gate Thus UAE fought there

Ronan glared at the dead saderans as there is thousands just a mere minutes since he had arrive here "As soon this is over barricade that structure and i want it to be secure as soon as possible to prevent them from entering or let them as soon as we evacuate the citizens in this area where we will have no restraint of killing them" Said Ronan in dark tone

"Yes Pops" Said Chris in serious tone as they cut off their comms

Ronan fly above and look at the damage that the Saderans have done, as he glared it was not too damage and it would be repair in weeks but the lives of the people does not

Ronan look into his hands, in those hands commands power and he would use it once more

instead of building and trying to bond for a peaceful resolution, now it replace for War and Destruction for Ronan was always been the vengeful and spiteful type of a person he will find out of why they had done this to his country and what is their reasons and motive

Knowing that this are Romans, he would assume they would enslave his people which one of his most hated concept

Ronan fly around the city overseeing his Forces as they are winning and it would end soon enough and not even an hour would be the End of Battle



White House 

situation room

3 hours later

UAE forces have to secure New York as it took them another half an hour before they finally beaten their enemy which bring relief to the Higher Ups though Ronan was not so relief at the moment since the Invasion begun, as he personally command his forces which he ended in 30 minutes since this is their country and to be careful of who they are shooting at

After said fighting is done, Ronan ordered SAR operation to rescue the Civilians in the vity, and there are already some reports that his forces are killing the surrendering prisoners which he speciefied an order to arrest them especially if they could have information that they would needed for this unknown nation that attack them unprovoked

UAE for all it's history never suffered to be invaded let alone be able to reach New York, sure they have been attack durnig the 1500s before the civil war with multiple kingdoms but never able to reach the mainland or major cities in America

Only in CIvil War where they are truly saw the devastation in America with American against American and that's that since then they never suffered an invasion since no sane leader would dare to attack them

especially when they foiled a bomb attempt in September 2001, which enrage the Americans and proceed to attack two countries at the same time which they devastate them and occupy both until they found the guilty while they leave iraq in 2011 they din't leave Afghanistan till 2030 as they have not only to terminate all terrorist but also have to leave competent government as they have to kill their curropt politicians to make sure their country could stand up in their two feet

After that along with making sure that the battle is truly over and having conversation with his sons as well as calming him down Ronan return back to the White Houses and wait for the report in the attack to see how much damage that they couse

"Clean up operation is running smoothly without much resistance, MOP operation is done" Said Nath before he sight since battle in urban city can be complex and can be as dangeroes as in the jungle or forest without knowing the place even with a map it only increase their chances only slightly and it was proven during the Civil Wars "Due to the sudden surprise attack we lost some of our own mostly the police losing at least 20 men and 13 wounded but because of our quick response and our update security protocol we were able to prevent more death  but the damage already done and fatalities nonetheless" he said

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