Race to the Rescue

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The chapter begins with Oscar getting back up to the surface and climbing out of a big hole on top of a hill. The ladder comes undone at the top and he pushes it back into the hole so no one can get out. He sees the monastery down below and starts moving there. 

He turns on his radio, trying to contact Ozpin. "Oz, are you there? Dammit. Oz, come in!"

"Oh, thank God, Oscar. Where are you?" Ozpin asked, through the radio.

The students sighed, relieved that their headmaster is still okay.

"Heading your way. They've got Ruby! We have to stop 'em!" Oscar told Ozpin as he looked for the path to find Ozpin.

"Got problems of my own. Bastards have me pinned down outside the church." Ozpin told Oscar.

"Alright, I'm almost there." Oscar runs down the path to the big courtyard and sees Ozpin taking cover behind some ruins. A pair of mercenaries shoot in his direction.

"You cold-blooded sons of bitches!" Ozpin shouted. Oscar takes them down from behind and joins hi behind the cover. "Nice one, kid!"

More mercenaries come at them from across the courtyard. Some even appear in the balconies of buildings and try to fire down at them. Ozpin had stolen a sniper rifle from one of them and Oscar used it to get rid of the enemies on high. When all the mercenaries outside were defeated, the two came out of cover.

"So what happened to you?" Ozpin asked Oscar.

"I just got back from a bunker the Germans built here." Oscar replied, anxious. "They found the treasure and moved it to a cavern under the monastery. Watts and Tyrian are heading there now. We gotta stop 'em, Oz. They don't know what they're dealing with!"

"You mean WATTS doesn't know what he's dealing with." Weiss correct.

Pyrrha nodded. "Tyrian is actually aware about the cure, while Watts is in the dark."

Ozpin was confused. "What are you -?"

"I don't know how, but that statue destroyed this whole colony, and it killed the Germans too." Oscar explained.

Now Ozpin was REALLY confused. "Whoa, come again?"

Oscar didn't have the time to explain more as he led the way. "There's no time! We've got to get to the church!"

The duo ran across the courtyard to the church and went inside. Even more mercenaries had taken position in there and another shootout commenced.

"Dammit! They're everywhere! Hang back, Oz!" Oscar told him as they hide behind the large pillars and fire back at their adversaries. Oscar keeps using the sniper rifle to pick off the hostile on the ground and up on the rafters. Soon, the church is secure as well. "C'mon, there should be a hidden passage right under the altar."

Oscar and Ozpin head up to the altar and move the stone table out of the way, revealing the secret passage below. They jump down into it.

End of chapter

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