Going Underground

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"Okay. Land of the dead. Here we go." Oscar said.

The chapter begins with him descending down the stairs and getting to a crypt with old stone coffins. He moves through it and finds a small ravine which he crosses. He gets to a room with pillars holding up the ceiling and a flight of stairs behind a small gate. He opens the gate and goes up the stairs coming out of hatch in the floor of a church. He knows it must be the church he saw outside in the monastery. He takes cover behind the pews as more mercenaries patrol the interior. Soon, they spot him and they have it out. After putting them down, Oscar heads to the front of the altar and sees two large silver bells on either side.

"Wait, there's something about this..." Oscar opens the diary to a page displaying two bells. He begins reading it: "Two bells resound in perfect harmony."

He knows they need to ring at the same time so he aims his gun at one and hits it causing it to ring. He immediately does the same to the other and a door opens up at the end of the altar.

Oscar then enters the door and finds a ladder. He begins to climb down into the underground caverns. He starts to imitate Ozpin. ""We got all the clues, right here. We can do this, kid." How the hell does he think he's gonna get that statue outta here, anyway?"

Ruby giggled. "What makes you think Sully's thought that far ahead?"

"Fair point." Oscar chuckled.

After climbing down the ladder, Oscar navigates through another crypt and encounters a few more mercenaries. "Oh jeez, these guys are everywhere." He groaned, annoyed.

Yang was just as annoyed as Oscar. "These guys seriously don't know when to take a hike."

Oscar gets up close and personal and engages in hand-to-hand combat with them. He is much quicker than them and knocks them all down. He exits the catacombs and enters a large cavern. He scales some stone platforms to get higher up and eventually comes to an area with a vent in the ceiling.

He hears voices through the vent and listens closely. He recognizes them as Watts, Tyrian and Tock. He eavesdrops on the conversation in the room above him. Watts sits in a chair smoking a cigarette while Tyrian goes over some documents on a table next to him. Tock stands in front of them near the entrance.

"This is completely unacceptable." Watts said, growing impatience.

"Well, what do you expect from me, Watts?" Tock questioned, growing frustrated. "My men are getting massacred!"

"I find it hard to believe that one man could wipe out your entire crew."

"He seems to handle himself well." Weiss defended. 

Tock groaned. "Ugh! It's not just Drake, goddammit! I'm telling you, this island is cursed!"

"Cursed??" Most of the audience chorused in confusion.

"What does she mean that the island is 'curse'?" Jaune asked.

Watts wasn't hearing it. "Enough! Just take your sorry mob and go."

Tock was taken back, then frowned. "Wait, you can't cut me loose. You owe me a share of the gold!"

"It would seem that this 'partnership' between them is coming to an end." Glynda pointed out.

"Your share, Tock, was contingent upon you doing what I required. You assured me that Drake was captured, and the island secure." Watts said.

Tock hissed in anger. "You're no no better than me, wanker! YOU and your lapdog brought that old fool to help you but all he did was slow you down! But now he's rescued!"

"Who are you calling a 'lapdog'?!" Tyrian snarled. "Don't tell my other me how to do his job."

The crocodile faunus grinned. "I shouldn't have to since I'm seeing you failing already." 

"Oh, this is bullshit, Watts, and you know it!" Tock pulled out her desert eagle but just as she did she heard the sound of another gun being pulled out. She turned around and saw Tyrian aiming her gun at her threateningly.

"We're done here." Watts declared. He turns around and drops his cigarette down the vent and it hits Oscar's head. He wipes it off in disgust. Tock scoffed and said nothing more. She angrily walks out mumbling insults under her breath.

Maria frowned and muttered. "He should've shot her." Caroline just rubbed her shoulders.

"Remind me again why you employed that superstitious idiot?" Watts questioned.

"You wanted someone cheap." Tyrian answered.

"Well, you get what you pay for, I suppose. And what about you, Callows? Are you worth what I'm paying you?" Watts questioned.

The scorpion faunus didn't like that one bit. "I beg your pardon?? Are you turning your back on ME now?!"

"You seem to be picky about choosing your own employees, Arthur." Cinder remarked.

"I'm not the one who leaves one of their own subordinates to die in a fire." Watts scowled.

"Or push others into an endless void." Neo added.

Roman widened his eyes in shock. "She did WHAT?!"

The former maiden shrugged. "She threatened me. What was I suppose to do??"

"Kick her out of your group!! Don't kill her!!" Roman angrily said.

Neo shook her head. "She didn't kill me. I was just stranded on an island."

"The vault's here. I'm sure of it. If Ozpin can be trusted..." Tyrian began, only to be interrupted.

"Which he can't!" Watts protested, frustrated. 

"You must admit that's the one thing Tock was right about." Emerald commented.

"Look, he doesn't have a choice. He knows we'll kill him if he's lying." Tyrian said.

"Don't be stupid. He knows we'll kill him once we find the treasure. He has no incentive to tell the truth. Really, Tyrian, sometimes I think you left your brains back in that slum where I found you." Watts said with no remorse.

Tyrian frowned. "I just need a little more time."

"You might be the expert on El Dorado here, but chasing this treasure of yours is proving to be more trouble than it's probably worth." Watts said as he went to sit back down.

"I assure you, El Dorado is worth more than you can possibly imagine." Tyrian assured.

"It had better be..." Watts said in a threatening way.

Tyrian growled but grinned. He had a feeling that his other self was going to do something drastic.

Oscar hears what they said and leaves the area. He figured that they didn't trust Ozpin which wasn't a problem for him as Ozpin had already outsmarted them. And he figured that Tock won't be a part in this anymore but he wondered what he meant when he said the island was cursed. He continues through the cavern and comes to another small gate. He opens it up and steps through.

End of chapter

Ren hummed. "I have a feeling that the tension between Tyrian and Watts is gonna explode."

"Why are they so obsessed with that golden statue in the first place?" Pyrrha questioned.

"And what did Tyrian mean by it's worth more than we could imagine?" Jaune asked.

"I don't know, but one thing for sure;" Weiss began. "Everyone obsessed with this treasure, gets what they deserve."

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