The Search for El Dorado

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The scene starts with Oscar and Ozpin walking through a remote part deep in the Amazon jungle. Oscar leads the way while Ozpin slowly catches up.

"Hold on. Hold on, kid." Ozpin pants, putting his hands on his needs, making Oscar stop in mid-hike. "I'm not as young as I used to be."

"Well you are old, old man." Mercury chuckles.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Ozpin said, not at all bothered by the insult.

Oscar smirks. "Yeah, you weren't too old for that little barmaid in Lima, were you?"

"Well that was different. Although I must admit, equally as strenuous." Ozpin joked.

Qrow chuckles. "I'm starting to like this Ozpin."

Raven rolled her eyes. "You would."

Summer ignored the twins and asked. "Do you think they're lost? Maybe Sir Francis Drake's map is leading them to a dead end."

Tai hummed. "Well, we won't know unless we find out."

Oscar chuckles. "Well, hang in there, old timer. We're just about there."

"You know, this reminds me - I ever tell you about the time I pawned a phony 16th-century santo off on Pablo Escobar?" Ozpin asked, laughing. "Ah, risky move, but by time he figured it out, I was -" He stops in mid-sentence when he notices Oscar isn't listening. "Oscar, are you even listening to me?"

"Hanging on every word." Oscar replied sarcastically.

"Ah, why waste my breath." Ozpin complains as he continues to follow Oscar.

"I ask myself the same thing." Glynda muttered under breathe. She remembers the time when most of her students, mainly Ruby, barely pay any attention to her teaching.

The duo approach a narrow passage in between some large trees. They looked around, just seeing rock, grass, and trees.

"You really think Francis Drake came all the way up here, huh?" Ozpin questioned, looking around. "We're an awful long way from England."

"They get through the passage into a small clearing. They don't see anything around."

"Well?" Ozpin asked, looking around.

"I don't get it" Oscar trailed, holding a GPS. "According to this, we're right on top of the mark."

"Maybe you're not reading that thing right. Let me see it." Ozpin says, walking over to him.

"No, this is the place." Oscar says as he holds the device out for Ozpin to see. Ozpin just puts his hands up.

"You sure." Emerald asked, not believing him just a bit. "Cause I don't see anything."

"They're lost." Cinder said. "That device the kid's holding is not making any sense."

"There's nothing here, Oscar." Ozpin says, getting aggravated. "Another goddamn dead end."

Roman nodded. "Yep, they're lost."

"Easy, Oz. Just relax. Let's take a look around." Oscar suggested, calming Ozpin down.

"He's getting nervous." Neo said. "Some explorers he is."

"They just need to keep looking around." Ruby said. "Maybe they missed something."

"Man, this is like trying to find a bride in a brothel." Ozpin complains.

Oscar looks around the edge of the clearing and finds a more narrow passage in between two giant rocks. "Through here." He and Ozpin make their way through and come across a much larger clearing with ruins of small, ancient stone structures with flat surfaces on top.

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