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The chapter begins with Oscar wondering who could be in the helicopter. He then remembered what Tock said about how Watts and Tyrian hired her to secure the island for their arrival. Oscar realizes it must be them so he decides to hurry and get to the boat so he and Ruby can leave before the place is swarmed by more bad guys.

He gets into the large room with knocked down pillars. Several more pirates occupy the room so he sneakily moves past them from behind the pillars. Oscar gets closer to a staircase that leads to a balcony. A machine gun turret is placed on the balcony. When he reaches the stairs the pirates spot him and open fire. He rushes up the stairs and shoots the guy on the gun before mounting it himself. He returns fire to the others in the room until they're all down. Then he gets the door open.

Oscar descends down another stairwell and arrives at the dock with the boat. He hides behind the wall and watches some more of Tock's men load stuff on the boat.

"Get this all on the boat now!"

Oscar prepares to ambush them and take the boat until Ruby suddenly sneaks up from behind him.

"Hey." Ruby whispered.

Yang was confused. "Ruby, what are you doing here??"

"HOW did she get there is a better question." Weiss said. "Wasn't she supposed to just take photos with here camera?"

Oscar nearly jumped from the girl's presence. "How did you get here?"

"Never mind that." She holds up her camera. "You really need to see this."

"Now is really not the best time." Oscar argued.

Blake nodded. "Yeah, he can look at your photos later."

Oscar begins to stand up and attack the pirates but Ruby pulls him back down.

"No, Dipper..." Ruby protested

"What are you doing?!" Oscar asked her, getting irritated.

"You really need to watch this. Please." Ruby begged.

"What is so important that you have to stop Oscar from taking out those goons??" Weiss retorts.

Oscar sighs, finally taking the camera. "What?"

Ruby rewinds the footage and plays. It shows the helicopter landing across the port. It zooms in and shows several men getting out on the shore.

"It's just a couple goons." Nora pointed out, not understanding.

"Wait... And..." Two of the men are Watts and Tyrian. Another man gets off and is revealed to be Ozpin. The video pauses as Ruby points to him. "...Hello! 

"Ozpin?!" Qrow shouted, shocked, confused and disbelief.

"What the- How is he alive?!" Marrow questioned, surprised.

"We saw him get shot!!" Harriet said, shocked and confused.

"Damn right! O shot him myself!" Tyrian yelled, mad that his other self didn't kill his first victim.

"This... shouldn't be possible..." Vine said, puzzled.

"It shouldn't be." Clover said. "How can someone survive a gunshot wound straight in the vest??"

May frowned. "Is it possible that he was wearing a vest??"

Winter shook her head. "Didn't look like it from what we've all saw."

"So how is he alive??" Robyn questioned.

Oscar stared at the camera in bewildered. "Huh."

Raven deadpanned. "'Huh'?? That's it?? Nothing else?? No 'How is he alive?! None of that??"

RWBY reacts to Uncharted: Oscar's FortuneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora