The Fortress

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The chapter begins with Oscar taking a deep breath and begins to scale the outer walls of the fort.

"That's a big wall." Qrow pointed out.

"Technically, it's a fortress." Oobleck corrected.

Qrow rolled his eyes. "Whatever. The point is, the kid needs to be careful. That's a long drop."

"Eyes ahead, don't look down... Oh, God..." Oscar muttered under his breath. He climbs on ledges and swings on vines hanging from the wall to get further up. He reaches an open window and climbs through. He sighed, relieved. "Ah, thank you God..."

Oscar walks around between rooms on the floor he entered only to find all the caged doors closed and locked. The only way out was another open window. He steps through and gets back on the wall.

"Oh, you can't be serious." Oscar complained, disappointed. "Wasn't I just out here?"

"Hey, if you're gonna find my sister, you need to make it through this." Yang points out.

Oscar continues to scale around the wall and around a corner. He climbs up some more and spots a window with metal bars. "Ah, gonna have to bust through that window." He gets up and grabs a vine in front of the window.

"I hope the vine will hold before he has the chance to break the window." Ruby said, concerned.

Oscar swings and breaks through the window. He runs through the rooms and finds an open door. He goes through a courtyard with pillars past the door. He walks up some stairs and along the top of the wall until he gets to large archway. Past it is another courtyard with some more pirates camping in it. 

One of the pirates spots him first as he shouts, "There he is!"

"Oh, for the love of God..." Oscar retorts.

"I feel your pain." Yang agreed. These pirates were in in way from Oscar trying to save her sister.

Oscar quickly takes cover as the pirates shoot at him. He returns fire with his assault rifle. He soon defeats all the pirates in the area and goes into an opening in the courtyard's wall. He finds a set of stairs and heads up. On the upper level, he sees the ruined tower with Ruby's parachute. He runs up to it and finds the chute empty.

"No sign of her... that's either very good, or very bad." Oscar said, worried.

"Let's hope it's a good thing." Summer said, nodding.

Oscar gets up to a window in the small tower and finds a zipline. He slides down using his pistol to hold him. He lands through the open ceiling of a small room overlooking the courtyard he was just in. In the room was a table with a radio and microphone. Across the courtyard, he saw a gate to another part of the fortress. Above the gate was a window where he could see Ruby holding her camera.

Tai sighed, relieved that his daughter is okay. "She's alright."

"Ruby. What the hell's she doing?" Oscar wondered.

"No idea, but at least now we know she's alive." Weiss said, relieved.

Ruby moved away from the window and out of sight. Oscar looked down at the closed gate where a guard was behind it. The guard held up a handheld radio and spoke through it to the radio in the room.

"Ha-low?" The pirate asked.

"Uh oh. Think of something quick, Oscar." Jaune said, worried,

Oscar quickly pushed the mic button, thinking on his feet to get the gate opened. "Buka pintu."

"I'm not familiar with that language." Glynda admitted. "What's he saying?"

"He said 'Open the door' in Spanish.'" Theo said.

"Is it working?" Port asked.

"Err..." Theo said, unsure.

"Siapa ini? Bicara sekarang!" The pirate demanded through the radio.

"Ah crap." Oscar said, scratching his head, thinking quickly.

"C'mon, Oscar." Yang said, concerned.

"Sialan lo! Cepatan, buka pintu!" Oscar yelled into the mic.

"Ummm, maybe you shouldn't YELL through the mic." Blake deadpans.

"Ah, tai!" The pirate yelled.

"It worked." Nate laughed, proud of himself. 

Ruby perked up. "It did."

Just then more guards with guns came out, spotting the young man.

"There he is! Up there!" A pirate yelled.

"Get him!" Another one shouted.

"Oh boy..." Oscar said, getting ready for another fight.

"I don't understand. What did Oscar say??" Jaune asked, confused and concerned.

"Well, he said, 'Damn you! Hurry, open the door!" Andy answered.

"Well shit." Nora cursed.

"At least he tried." Ren assured.

Oscar exited the room and shot down at the guards from the wall. When it was clear, he dropped down and went through the gate. Inside, was a large, deep passage where a mounted machine gun turret was up on a ledge at the end of the passage. Oscar took cover along the wall and got closer. He threw a grenade up at the gun, destroying it. He climbed up the ledge and went into the next room which was a huge interior with tall pillars and water on the floor.

"This place could use a good plumber." Oscar joked.

Most of the audience laughed at Oscar's joking habit.

Oscar drops down into the room and suddenly more pirates come out from behind the pillars. "Son of a bitch! Where'd they all come from?" He questioned, getting behind cover.

"Goons R Us." Nora joked, making everyone look at her weirdly. 

After another shootout, Oscar again emerged victorious. He found a pillar and jumped up what looked like a bridge between two platforms attached to the pillars and walked across. He jumped onto another wooden ledge, then onto the stone platform to get the gate open. Oscar opened the gate and walked through. He dropped down into the water, spying the ledges on the other side. He went to one side and went to the other and opened the gate, filling the room up more, and open the gate, filling the room up more, allowing himself to swim across and climb up a broken white rock staircase and finally out of the cold water. He continued down the path, coming across another set of stairs and one step closer to finding Ruby.

End of chapter

Lucy played the next chapter.

(I didn't know what to put here.)

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