Chapter 18

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A new day started, Byeol who had a morning shift reported in.

Everyone greeted her cheerfully, and she greeted them back with the same energy. She was the youngest in the hospital, so everyone had grown a soft spot for her and knowing what she went through sympathized with her.

The day started with normal ER patients. Around 9 an hour later the four new staff of Dol Dam hospital reported.

Everyone greeted them but normally, since they were skeptical about them coming here.

Byeol ignored the staff from XX hospital, the whole time. Soon the day turned into evening around 7:30 a patient came in for a fractured leg treatment. He had slipped off his bicycle.

Turned out he was a very famous influencer, the moment he got his leg plastered he started his live. Ji Ho, who was his fan, went to him and started saying how she loves his work and all.

Nurse Oh noticing her voice go up told her to relax and complete her job. Ji Ho realizing that she is on duty nodded and did her work.

He kept on doing a live stream saying what happened, how the treatment was.

Byeol, noticing him showing around and old patients not liking it, went to him and said, “Student I think it's better if you keep the camera facing to yourself, I'm sure not all the patients are comfortable being seen like that.

The teen pouted and said, “Who would not like being in a live that to mine!?" Byeol smiled sarcastically and said, “Well I'm not, so please try to keep it to yourself.”

Saying that she went away. She started to treat other patients. Just then three above middle aged guys came drunk and that too with bottles.

One of them was injured so the other two took him there.

Byeol seeing that went to them and was about to check the injured guy when he slapped her hand away and said, “I don't want to be treated by you! Get me a man!!”

In Soo seeing that and knowing well that drunk people would create a huge scene if they don't listen, went to them and said, “Byeol shi, you go I will take care of them.”

In Soo nodded his head as a gesture to let go about what the drunk guy said, Byeol nodded and went away.

The other two guys sat and started making noise saying how the hospital stinks of a bad smell and how they should do something about it.

Other patients came and the staff decided to ignore their comments as they got busy treating other patients. One of the old guys angrily got up and said, “For an hour I've been complaining about the smell but you guys are not doing anything!!!! Get the dean! I want to complain about your poor hospitality!"

The influencer who was showing his viewer the whole drama giggled and said, “The only thing that stinks is his mouth!” but didn't realize he had said that out a little too loud.

The old guy turned to him angrily but seeing him record, his anger turned into rage. He warned that boy shouting, “You little brat better put that phone down before I smack you!!”

The boy replied, “Do what you want! I'm on live! Many people will see how stupid you act when you are drunk. And how you threaten an injured boy.”

Hearing this the guy walked towards him, Nurse Park and Byeol went to stop this. Nurse Park held the guy, but he pushed Nurse Park forcefully causing him to stumble, the old guy walked towards the boy to hit him.

The guy was about to hit the bottle on that boy's head, the boy closed his eyes, scared when Byeol came in between and shielded the boy by hugging him. Causing the bottle to hit her head and break.

Nurse Park who was just behind them took away the old man and Nurse Oh called for Mr. Gu by screaming his name. Nurse Eom called for the police. While the Nurse and Dr. From XX hospital stood at the corner scared even though he was their patient.

Nurse Park held the old guy till Mr. Gu came. Nurse Oh rushed to Byeol.

Byeol broke the hug and asked the boy, “Are you hurt anywhere?” The boy still shaken by the incident nodded a no. But seeing some blood drip from Byeol's head, pointed at her head with a shaking finger.

Byeol, noticing the blood drop said, “Calm down, it's not a big deal ” and looked back to see what was happening.

Mr. Gu had come and seeing him, the old guy became quiet and sat down while they waited for the police.

Nurse Oh and others gathered around Byeol and asked if she was okay, Byeol smiled and made an okay gesture with her hand. Ah Reum started treating her head.

The police came and arrested the guy causing a scene and arrested his friend as well, they didn't take the injured guy, it turned out these guys have been always causing trouble around the bars they go to, they have been given many warning already so this time they will have to pay a fine plus give Byeol her medical treatment fees.

Byeol didn't want to drag this that much as it was just a scratch so she said that they shouldn't get any punishment but just give a fine for trying to hurt a patient and use physical violence, since the boy was live streaming it was his fault as well as he didn't stop showing the scene when asked to. So he was okay with the decision.

The situation calmed down and everyone got to work while Byeol was made to rest a little. She was resting beside the boy.

The boy in guilt said, “I’m sorry this happened because of me, I should have ended the live when you asked me politely and should have known better than fighting with a drunk guy. I realized my mistake, I'm truly sorry.”

Byeol sighed hearing his words and said, “Well at least now you know why you should try listening to your elders, and it's okay as long as you are fine. Now just focus on your recovery and no more live streaming till you are here, got it?” Byeom asked and smiled at him.

The boy smiled and said, “Yes, no more live stream.” 

Byeol got up and said, “Since it's my time to clock out I will go!” The others nodded their heads and wished her a safe ride back and suggested  driving slowly or taking a taxi instead. Byeol nodded and thanked them, taking her leave.

Dae Hyun came out after performing a surgery and seeing Byeol like that approached her and asked if she was okay or not. Byeol ignored him like he wasn't there. Dae Hyun, wanting an answer, held her hand to stop her.

Yeon Jun, who just came for his shift seeing with a bandage went towards her in worry and asked, “What happened Byeol shi? How did you get hurt? Is it serious?”

Byeol smiled at his worry and said, “Don't worry senior, it was just an accident with a drunk guy, I'm okay and everything has been taken care of! So please stop worrying!”

Yeon Jun held her cheeks and checked her forehead properly to see if she was really okay. Byeol, shy about the sudden closeness, moved her head and said, “I'm perfectly fine! I'm going home and will rest a lot so don't worry.”

Woo Bin who had come out after finishing the operation seeing the situation smiled thinking how he can use it as a chance and said, “Yeon Jun senior, if you are that worried about her, how about I take her home?”

Hearing his suggestion Byeol, Yeon Jun and Dae Hyun turned to him.

Q : What do you think Yeon Jun and Byeol's reactions would be?


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Dr. RomanticDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora