Chapter 3

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Byeol woke up hearing her alarm and looked around and realized that she was at Doldam hospital. She looked at the time and it was six am. She decided to get her bike, so taking her keys she left the hospital.

While walking she saw Woo Jin. She bowed to him as he was her senior. Woo Jin, seeing her asked, "Are you here to walk as well?" Byeol looked at him for a second and replied, "No I kept my bike here last night so I'm here to get it back."

Woo Jin nodded and walked away. Byeol walked further to search for her bike. After a seven minute walk she found her bike and brought it back.

She entered Doldam hospital and saw many of the staff had arrived. Seeing that she quickly went to get ready for the day. She entered the ER room and noticed everyone glancing at her.

Not knowing what to do she bowed at them and stood at a corner. In Soo who saw her for the first time as well went to her and introduced himself, seeing that even Eun Jae went to her.

A call came and everyone looked at Nurse Eom. She picked up the call. After hearing the news she said, "Friday has started everyone! Four bikes collided with each other and they are on the way here, a total of 7 patients, they will be here in 5 minutes, get ready."

Everyone got to action, seeing them Byeol followed. Soon the patients arrived. One by one everyone took the patients. The fifth patient came. The paramedic who came with him started informing Byeol about his condition. He had a head injury with his left hand and left leg heabily injured and fracture.

Byeol nodded and started to treat the patient. She ckecked the patient's eyeballs to check how they reacted. His pupil only dilated 2.5. She then quickly checked for his response by pressing his finger. She noticed that the patient resopned slowler on his left side.

She then called for Ah Reum and told her the details and said, "Senior I think we have to operate on him, his heart rate dropping fast and–" She explained everything. Ah Reum nodded and did a quick check and announced, "Nurse Park, we have to operate on him fast! Get the OT ready."

Woo Jin went with the fifth patient and Eun Jae went to the ot with the sixth patient as soon as he came because he was serious. The seventh patient arrived and the paramedic announced, "He needs an surgery fast, his nerve was cut and he has lost a lot of blood!!!"

Hearing this Byeol went to the patient. They kept him on the bed and Byeol said, "Get me a suture fast!! And get him and IV drip!" While the nurse came she wore gloves.

She was about to look after the patient but Nurse Eom said, "You are just an intern, we can't let you handle that!" Byeol sighed and was about to say something when Kim SaBu came and handled that case, as he thought Byeol wouldn't be able to handle this. Byeol looked at how fast and aacrately Yong Joo worked.

Byeol wanted to help around but everyone brushed her off saying she is an intern. Byeol seeing their behavior thought, 'why do they not let me do even basic things?'

Byeol 's stomach suddenly growled, hearing that Nurse Eom said, "If you are hungry you can eat at the lounge." Byeol sheepishly smiled embarrassed about it and went in search of the lounge. She walked around and was easily able to find the lounge. She entered the longue and made ramen for herself. While waiting for the ramen to be done she heated a bowl of rice.

Young Mi who entered to get water for herself after she finished the surgery looking at Byeol eating she scoffed and said, "Are you seriously eating here while we are working hard to save the patients!? I can't believe you, you really are irresponsible just like the said rumors!" Saying this she took a bottle from the fridge and left.

Byeol looked around to see if she was talking to her and realized she was. Byeol looked at the food in guilt and thought what she should do. But she was so hungry she decided to take a huge bite and then go to treat patients, because she thought more patients had arrived.

She rushed to the ER and saw there were no patients currently. She looked at Young Mi in confusion. But before she could think anything a call came to announce to patients who had fallen down from the staris were coming.

Byeol got ready to treat the patients. Seeing her Nurse Eom asked, "Oh you ate your food already?" Byeol looked at her and just nodded her head in reply. Young Mi hearing this whispered, "Tch just because she is an intern she gets all this privilege." Byeol and Nurse Eom who were besides her heard her and looked at her.

Byeol just looked away not wanting to mind her words while Nurse Eom nodded a no to Young Mi. Nurse Eom thought it's better they don't make remarks on her so she was about to talk with Young Mi but the patients came and they started treating them.

It was afternoon Byeol, tired from treating 4 ER patients sighed tiredly, her right hand which got hurt was hurting her. She held the hand and massaged it.

Seeing that Ah Reum said, "If you want you can rest." Hearing this Byeol nodded a no and said, "It's fine I'm okay." In Soo who was besides them said, "Well you should rest, we can handle things here." Byeol hearing this said, "I will be in the GS room, please contact me if any patients arrive." Saying that she went to the GS and sighed in relief. She sat at a desk and put her head down.

While Young Mi annoyed with her going away said, "Hey she didn't even do anything and she is tired?" Ah Reum who she had said these words to looked at her and said, "It's probably because she is hurt, plus what can an intern do anyway?"

Nurse Eom agreeing to Ah Reum's word said, "Yes, I get that you don't like her but don't hate her so openly, she hasn't done anything bad here yet, so we can't treat her like that."

Hearing their words Young Mi sighed and said, "Look at how skillful doctors we have, seeing such an intern is disappointing, plus she doesn't have a good record as well, but I will keep what you said in my mind."


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