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Previously on Feelings Section II:

They all tensed. They all froze. They all fell silent. The silence swallowed the room. And the silence made the whole situation even more awkward. Making everyone a teeny bit uncomfortable. Suddenly, everything went fast. As if time was being fast-forwarded. As far as they know. The Emperor, stood slightly terrified of Dream. Who wouldn't be?


They blinked and opened their eyes to an empty emotionless ruler. One of their greatest fears has come true.

"Look at your pathetic little Emperor! He didn't even want to have that power! Look at him now.  He should thank me, to be honest. I've put him out of his misery." Dream stated. His aura glowed bright and dark. The brightness showing the power he has within. And the darkness that shows how evil and ruthless he could be.

How could they beat him again? It's been 5 years, he definitely got even more powerful than before. What should they do?


Currently on Feelings Section II:

"What did you do to my brother!!" Prince Wilbur shouted. Desperately trying to break out of the bounds that dubbed him helpless.

"He did nothing to me." Dream mouthed and Tommy spoke.

"You're lying. You're not my Tommy" The Prince adds.

"How dare you accuse me that I'm not your brother. I clearly am." He responded. Giving a saddened smile to his brothers.

"You know what? We don't care. All he has to do is say the word and I'll do it."

"You know what? We don't care. All I have to do is say the word and he'll do it."

They said in unison. They know that isn't Tommy. They know that isn't their loving young brother/friend. But it felt sad how easily Dream could just do that.

One second Tommy was against him, the next? He was gone. It was like a snap of finger then... Well. Gone.

"Why do you keep doing this. Why are you with the egg anyway." Prince George asked the green man. Who simply stared. Quiet and patient. Waiting for a response.

"Because The rule of the land, it's so crucial to obey" The egg's voice echoed. Dream felt himself relax. The egg was there. It was going to keep him safe.

"Ahhh. I see my eggy companion has arrived." Dream smirked. This is going to be so fun. He thought. Why wouldn't it be?

"I am always here."

"Don't believe them. They're lying! They're only using you Dream!!" Prince George warned. Shouting as loud as he can to direct Dream's attention to him.

"Dream or whatever you name is! You don't have to follow the egg all the time. You don't have to do it's bidding! Believe in yourself, you can get through this!" Prince Wilbur encouraged.

"You can be more than this, Sir Dream. You have great potential. Just don't let this egg use and order you around." Prince Technoblade insists.

But Dream didn't say a thing. He only stared. Everyone wonders what could be happening in his mind. Is he deciding which side to choose? Or is he waiting for an order from the egg.

"Choose my side. or you won't be appreciated! Don't you overthink it, just do what I say!"

"Lay the politics out before me" Dream replied. Convinced of the egg's reply. Or was he? Or is he also being manipulated. Being gaslighted. Being controlled? No one really knows. But all that the had to do was save them. Save them all from the egg. And destroy it once and for all.

The look of despair on Prince George's face describes how bad the problem at hand is. How will they be able to change this? How will they win?

"Hey! You stupid f*cking egg!" Prince George called. Hatred tracing his tone.

"Oh. What does the Prince want with me. Answer me Prince George."

"Why are you even doing this? We have asked Dream this question too many times. But we haven't asked your intentions. Now answer me." Prince George asked. He knew if he tried to fight it, he wouldn't win. But if he finds just one loophole. He'll be able to do this.

"Oh. I'm only doing Whatever it takes to get my glory"

Does that mean the egg doesn't care? Because it most likely only cares about their self's wants and needs. Its followers are only their puppets. They should stop it. They need a way to stop it.

But they need to find a way.

- - - - - - -

The End is coming near. Would they get their happy ending or will they not succeed? Read the story until the end to find out.

Thank you guys for more than 1K reads on this book.

A little bit of info:

The book wasn't actually supposed to go for this long. It was supposed to end at Section one. But because of my motivation I have made it up until Section II (2).

This book is a rewrite or basically a plot change from my very first book (no my first book was titled "Amethyst Empire" which has been discontinued and turned into this book titled: Feelings.).

I hope you guys liked this chapter! That's all for today.

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

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