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Previously on Feelings Section II:

"What question? You were simply taunting me. Teasing me." Prince George replied. Dream was not satisfied with the reply. It seemed staring into his black beady eyes made him shiver.

"The question I asked you years ago. Do you really think I forgot about that?" Everyone stared wide eyed.

What did he mean years ago?


Currently on Feelings Section II:

Everyone turned their gaze towards Prince George. What could Dream have been saying. Surely Prince George doesn't have any relation to him right? Right?

They stood silent. Frozen to say the least. They didn't know what to say. What to ask. What to reply. What to even do about the situation. Nothing. Nothing came to their mind.

"Years ago? What? What is he talking about George?" King Tommy had asked. Shocked by the recently mentioned topic. Could he have been hiding this information for years? Knowing that the Amethyst Empire has some sort of involvement with their current Antagonist?

"Have you known each other all this time!?" Prince Wilbur shouted. His anger is slowly rising. But he couldn't just lash out in anger. It could make the situation even worse. Maybe even get them in trouble or something. The things they for their reputation. And their safety too of course.

"Yes. But I didn't know that he was involved in all of this until now." Prince George answered. Clarifying the recent discovery. He admitted defeat. Weak. But what else could he have done? He couldn't find a loophole to the questions he's being asked to answer.

He couldn't ignore or deny the fact that they already know the truth. But he hopes they understand that he has his reasons. Knowing what Dream had become, he doesn't want anyone to think of him badly since Dream was his friend.

"We were friends. Such great friends Gogy. Why couldn't you just help me with my desires?" Dream said. In a thinking tone. Slight disappointment had been heard. Could he have been expecting Prince George to just help him out with anything and not think about the consiquences that their choices and their actions could bring?

But everyone knows. That Dream isn't all that bad. It's the manipulation of the egg and the immense power found within him. No one even knew he could be that powerful.

"Because your 'desires' aren't going to do us any good. It will only bring chaos to all the land." George stated. Quotation marks were used to express the word 'desires'. Most of them weren't thought out clearly. Most were complicated and didn't even make sense. But it surely caused a lot of trouble between all of them. Why could that be?

Maybe because Dream wasn't sure of his desires. He could still be thinking over which side he is truly on. Which side does he perfectly fit in. Maybe Dream just didn't know what he was doing? Confused. He could have just been confused by the egg's constant manipulation looming all over him.

No. That would be impossible. Dream always knows what he's doing. He's smart and resourceful. He is smart enough and he has common sense. And his 'eggy companion' always tells him what he needs to accomplish and when. It tells everything. And now one even knows where that egg originated from. It couldn't have just been a vine that randomly sprouted. It seemed like there was another part of the story that most of them aren't familiar with.

Another possibility was that Dream is not who he is? Maybe the real him is hiding somewhere underneath all that darkness. Maybe the egg consumed him and iss currently controlling him. Thus making it possible for those desires to be what the eggw wants.

Another would be the fact that Dream just accepted the egg. And is doing it's biding to repay the knowledge it has provided him. The egg gave him the knowledge he needed to deeply understand the Green Aura Magic.

All have possibilities to be true. But no one is certainly sure of what there is. No one is sure if any of this is even real. Or if it's all a fake.

"You know what? I'll just talk to you later. I have another business to attend to. Like my appointment with the Young Emperor." He turns towards the youngest in the room. The one who has forcefully been crowned Emperor of the Amethyst Empire. Who immediately froze at the mention of his status. Which directly is referring to him.

They all tensed. They all froze. They all fell silent. The silence swallowed the room. And the silence made the whole situation even more awkward. Making everyone a teeny bit uncomfortable. Suddenly, everything went fast. As if time was being fast-forwarded. As far as they know. The Emperor, stood slightly terrified of Dream. Who wouldn't be?


They blinked and opened their eyes to an empty emotionless ruler. One of their greatest fears have come true.

"Look at your pathetic little Emperor! He didn't even want to have that power! Look at him now. He should thank me to be honest. I've put him out of his misery." Dream stated. His aura glowed bright and dark. The brightness showing the power he has within. And the darkness that shows how evil and ruthless he could be.

How could they beat him again? It's been 5 years, he definitely got even more powerful than before. What should they do?

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I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

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