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A loud and very audible sound was heard. Dream's immediately turned to the direction where it came from. As his gaze turned to another area, Prince Tommy was now blinking in confusion. He didn't know nor understand what was happening. Dream on the other knew exactly what happened as he whipped his attention away from the youngest Prince.

Prince Technoblade stood, holding his axe. He was beside the egg. A crack formed. The egg was cracked. This was not good, in Dream's POV. Prince Technoblade had hit the egg with his mighty axe and caused a crack to form on its surface. As a loyal follower of the egg, Dream was alarmed. He doesn't like it when people mess with his eggy companion. He teleported himself towards the egg. He glared at the man responsible for the egg's wound. He swore to himself that he would make that man pay for what he has done. "Do you even know what you've done!" Dream shouted. "I am saving my family." He replied sternly.

Dream screamed in anger. He gazed at his surroundings. Prince Wilbur headed to Prince Tommy immediately after Dream teleported towards the egg. The Emperor of the Amethyst Empire glared at him. And the eldest Prince of the Amethyst Empire simply gave him a stern expression. They did not like his presence. No one does. Even his family had resented him. Why would anyone want someone like Dream? He's just a pathetic child who doesn't know their place in society. He was grateful that the egg gave him a place. Gave him purpose. The egg is his family. It cared for him when no one wanted to. The egg thought him about his powers. He cannot let his eggy companion be punished by the disrespectful higher-ups. He cannot let his caregiver die. He did what he had to do. There was only one choice left anyway. He used all his power... To teleport away. Him and the Egg disappeared out of sight.

At first the Emperor was shocked. But his attention turned to his son. Who passed out in Prince Wilbur's arms. Thousands of thoughts going through his mind while running towards his son.

(Legend: Italic = thoughts)

Is he okay?

What happened to him?

Dream won't be able to control him now right? He won't right?

The egg and Dream could be a big threat to our Empire. They want power. I can't let them have that.

I shouldn't have made Prince Tommy the crowned-prince. He wouldn't be in this mess if he didn't have that role to serve. He was still a child after all. Vulnerable to manipulation. Say only the right words, and they will follow. That's what the tutors taught. I can't believe they used that trick against him.

Was Tommy manipulated into joining him?

Did he do it willingly?

Or did he do it unwillingly?

I don't know. I'm not sure anymore... I have to keep him away. Away from the problems. Away from the pressure of the crown.

But the Empire needs a crowned prince. Prince Technoblade won't be fitting. For he doesn't have interests in the Empire's economy, he seems more intrigued by the arts of war. Prince Wilbur on the other hand, isn't capable of fulfilling the role. He seems easily carried away by his emotions. He drove himself to almost commiting murder because of his anger. He told himself that he would run away with Tommy. He was angry. He was frustrated. That is not what a future Emperor should be.

But Prince Tommy. He could hide his emotions without any issue. I have noticed it myself. Emotions are something an Emperor or a King should be able to control. He hid what he felt so much, that I didn't notice the pain. The sorrow he's been feeling deep inside.

"He okay. He just needs to rest." Prince Wilbur informed them. He knew by the expression of their faces what questions they have to say. He knows.

"How are we going to explain this to the Empire?" Prince Technoblade manages to stop a snicker. For the problem is gone as of the moment. They could cool off. And talk as a family.

The door bursted open. They were met with King Bad of the Badlands. "It's gone..." He pauses showing a blank expression. "It's gone!" He exclaimed joyfully. "I'm free! We're free!" He shouted once more. The Badlands has been rid of the egg. They can finally do things in their own free will. "Oh my. I see that our brave heroes might be in need of assistance." He notices the Imperial Family of the Amethyst Empire inside the room. "Oh please. We are fine. We must get back to our land now." The Emperor told them off. "Nonsense. You all are in need of rest! Do us a favor, and be our guest!" He replied.

The Emperor glanced at his sons. Prince Wilbur whispered, "I suggest we take on their offer. I believe most of us do need proper rest." The Emperor nodded. "I guess we could make time to stay for a little longer."

"Splendid!" The demon's loud voice echoed through the room. The Imperial Family covered their ears. Prince Technoblade covered Prince Tommy's ears instead of his. He was used to loud noises anyway. "I deeply apologize for speaking too loudly." The demon bowed his head. At the sudden realization of what he unintentionally done. "It is okay."

They were fine now. The egg is gone. Dream is gone. Even if they aren't sure if they are truly gone, they still have hope that they will never go back. They were safe for now.

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Reminder that this book is still not done.

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

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