Chapter 19

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Clarke's POV

I had fled as soon as Costia had disappeared. I needed to get far away from Lexa and what I had just done. I didn't want to see her questioning look because I wouldn't have any answers. At least none that I would admit to myself.

Shaking my head, I leaned against a wall of the house and looked at the engagement ring I still wore. I had gone way too far, I was aware of that. Still, I wondered what was wrong with me just now. Well, actually I knew very well.

I had been gripped by anger when I heard what Costia suggested to Lexa, and yes, a little jealousy too, although I knew I had no right to be. This was not okay, neither was running away after it. I wonder what Lexa thought of me now? I grabbed my head in despair. Oh man. What a shitty move!

There was no way I could go to my mom like that, it wouldn't feel right, so I cancelled our meeting and dialed Luna's number.

"Hey Honey." I heard her smile through the phone.

"Hey Luna. I was just checking in to see if I could take you out to dinner tonight?" I fervently hoped she said yes.

"I'd love to, what's the occasion?" She sounded curious, or had I missed an anniversary? Had one after such a short time and without a real relationship?

"Just like that. I feel like seeing you." Which was true, even if my guilty conscience might have disagreed....

"That's what I like to hear. Are you working today?" The faint glimmer of hope in her voice didn't escape me and it made me happy and gnawed at me at the same time. Although, really, I hadn't done anything forbidden. I had helped a friend out of an awkward situation, that was it.

"I just have to go to the office to pick up a file, otherwise I'm off and tomorrow I don't have to leave until 4PM. So we have all night..." I said it with a wink and instantly Luna joined my tone.

"Oh, are you alluding to something in particular?" She mimicked the ignorant one and my grin grew.

"Oh, I was thinking first of something delicious to eat and then, you and me, with no clothes on, in my bed..." My head cinema instantly jumped on and my body responded.

"That sounds very tempting. How could I refuse?" She almost never did, unless she absolutely had to.

"Fine, I'll pick you up at 8PM then?"

"That works, see you later." She sounded excited and I could only agree with that, because I was super excited to see her tonight.

"See you later." But before I headed to the office, I brought the ring back home and put it in my nightstand drawer. It would probably stay there for a while, reminding me of my task.


On time, I picked her up in front of her apartment. She was wearing black tight-fitting pants and a white blouse. She looked good enough to eat. Immediately my thoughts became not so juvenile, but dreamed of a few hours without inhibitions.

"Claaarke, if you look at me like that we won't make it to the restaurant." Apparently, my look had been very clear... But who could blame me?

"I wouldn't mind..." I licked my lips and looked at her again and again from top to bottom.

"But I'm hungry..." She sounded a bit like a whining child and I had to laugh.

"Okay, then we'll do it the way we planned, but only extremely reluctantly." My lip stepped forward and I pretended to pout. This in turn made her laugh.

After that, she hooked up with me and on foot we went to the, just a few blocks away, Italian place. "It's so good to see you. You've been so plugged in the last few weeks and so have I." She looked tired and sighed a bit before continuing. "The new patients are not easy. There have been several assaults on our staff."

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