Chapter 9

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Clarke's POV

On wobbly legs I walked back to our seat, from where Raven was already looking at me knowingly. Nevertheless, I sat down next to her, which earned me an irritated look from Lexa. "Do I want to know what you two were up to just now? Because you look pretty beat." Raven wiggled her eyebrows and made a few more than obvious hand motions.

"We weren't doing anything." I said a little too loudly, I guess, because Lexa grinned and commented, of course. "Oh, we haven't?"

I rolled my eyes. "No."

"Then I guess I'll have to go a little harder next time or what do you think?" She knew exactly what that set me off, just after just now in the restrooms, so I just grumbled and tried not to blush quite so much. Her grin, on the other hand, grew wider.

Raven next to me started giggling. "I like her. I like anyone who manages to freak you out like that."

"Fine, at least we can check that off," I replied, probably a little too annoyed, because my best friend immediately tried to smooth things over.

"Oh come on Clarkey. Like you don't like her or I would have never met her." Raven was right, but I would never tell her that, I wouldn't repeat that mistake after the last time. She danced around my living room, started shaking her hips and singing some crazy song about how you just shouldn't mess with her because she was always right. At one point it got to the point where she was singing about taking over the world. Why exactly, I don't know, but the crazy look spoke for itself and I didn't need part 2, otherwise the single would end up being a whole album.

Lexa kept looking at me and giving me lewd looks, which only fueled the feeling between my legs until I was restlessly sliding back and forth. "Do you have to go to the bathroom?" the one who triggered this pressure innocently asked me of all people.

"No, but I'd take it easy, I'm pretty tired." Demonstratively, I stretched and began to yawn.

"Tired, are you? But you don't seem so..." neither her cheeky twinkle nor her mischievous grin escaped me, but I deliberately didn't go into it, even though I knew what she was getting at. "You're welcome to stay if you like."

"No, no." Waved Lexa off and so we said our goodbyes. As soon as we stood outside in the cold night, I felt like I could finally breathe again, at least until I felt a hand on my ass. I was about to protest, but when I saw who it was, I remained silent.

"Are you going to torture me any more?"

"Have I so far?" My reply was a mixture of grumbling and growling before I started to move. I decided to walk home because I just needed the balance and fresh air right now and she decided to join me.

"If I was better at this, you'd get it all back." I almost cursed.

"Who's to say it isn't already?" She walked beside me, looking at me from the side over and over.

"Like I have the same effect on you as you have on me." I rolled my eyes in annoyance and loudly blew the air out of my lungs.

"I'd convince you otherwise, but I made such a rule at the beginning that we'd break otherwise..." Her voice sounded even more seductive with each word, even more velvety, knocking me off my feet.

My jaw dropped. "You're just way too good at this game. If only I could read your would make so many things easier."

"And more boring. Besides, who says you could handle the thoughts? You don't know the things I do to you in them..."

The throbbing in my center grew louder and louder and I begged inside to finally be able to go home, but I wasn't going to give up without a fight. "The thing I know is that your imaginings will never come close to reality."

May we always meet againTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang