Chapter 4

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Clarke's POV

The next morning, I stretched in my bed first before looking at my phone and snorting. I didn't like the time I saw. Why did it have to be so fucking early? But I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway. Besides, it showed me a missed call from Raven. But without my morning medicine, i.e. coffee, I wouldn't be able to stand her spells.

When I had drunk it and felt mentally fit enough, I dialed her number. After only a short ring, she answered way too hyper and once again I was grateful for the invention of coffee. "Clarkeeeeeey."

"Hey Reyes." I tried to be as calm as possible, but that would have required intravenous caffeine.

"AAAAAAAAAAND. How was it? Did you seduce everyone with your new looks and then leave them hanging?" I laughed, as usual she wasn't curious at all. "No wait. Is everyone still alive? Do I have to come with a shovel, trash bags and bleach? If so, you better tell me now and I'll change."

"You have an extra outfit for that?" I had to look at least as stunned as I sounded.

"Sure, don't you?" Now she was the one who sounded stunned. Was it really that implausible? I had to grin because I saw her expression clearly in front of me.

"No, I've never thought that far ahead." She had to hear my smile through the cell phone.

"That means you let their asses live?"

"Just about, yeah." I couldn't help it and just started laughing, I loved Raven for her shenanigans and dedication where I, and apparently murders, were concerned.

"So tell me, how was the reunion?"

I was about to strike out and tell the funny story when the confidentiality clause came to mind. Fuck! I didn't want to lie to her, but I couldn't tell her the truth either, so what could I do?

"Earth to Griffin? That bad?"

"No, it was fine, actually."

"Okay, hand on heart. What was it really like? Please tell me you didn't take Heart Eye Nyilah, did you?"

"Oh, God, no. Raven..." She was supposed to know me well enough. I liked Nyilah, but lately she meant more drama than being a real support. When our friendship plus thing had started and everything had been straightforward, things might have been different and I would have taken her, but certainly not the way things were going right now. 

"So you cut her off? And try a real relationship with someone who pulls the rug out from under you?" I fell silent, still not understanding what exactly Raven had against Nyilah, she could never tell me for sure. "Stop rolling your eyes!"

"You can't know that!" I exclaimed indignantly.

"You bet I can! I know you better than you know yourself! Hell, even better than me!" 

"You know very well that I have no desire for a relationship." 

"Just because Finn wasn't the one..." She meant well, I was well aware of that, but still I was getting fed up. 

"You know damn well it's not because of that! Can we stop arguing now? Because if we don't, I'm hanging up on you." Without seeing it, I knew she was raising her hands defensively and I smiled. She was right, we just knew each other too well. 

Raven and I had known each other since sophomore year in college and actually we had Hope, a fellow student of mine, to thank for that. We had since fallen out of contact, but if she ever needed anything from me, I would give it to her without hesitation. I would be forever grateful to her.

Tired from the last class, I was sitting in the cafeteria when Hope sat down at my table. "There's a frat party today, are you in?"

I looked at her in disbelief. "We've been working like crazy all week and our internship starts soon and you want to go celebrate?"

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