Chapter 14

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Clarke's POV

"Do you have someone to go with you to Jasper and Maya's wedding yet?" Bellamy and I sat over our weekly coffee at the Bistro, chatting about the usual topics.

By now it was a regular part of my routine, and I thoroughly enjoyed these meetings. I blocked out his reaction from the police ball, I know I was strong in that, but I didn't want to lose a close friend over something like that. I liked him too much for that.

He was pleasant, funny and charming. Sometimes he still flirted with me, but since the ball he kept a very low profile. Still, I kept noticing things that showed me that maybe it wasn't quite as collegial for him as the other way around. But these things were so small that they didn't have to mean anything and it could also be imagination, because since Nyilah I was a little more sensitive about this subject. He shouldn't get his hopes up where there were none.

For example, he hugged me longer than necessary and when a pretty woman approached him to give him her number, he ignored her. The best example was Echo, our waitress. She flirted with him every time and every time, he paid no attention.

Well, as his girlfriend who only wanted his best and finally her peace, I brought it to his attention. "Why don't you talk to her already?"

"Who?" Innocently he looked at me.

"Are you blind Bell? You know I like you, but right now you're rarely acting stupid. She's been flirting with you for weeks now and you don't even notice..."

He reached for my hand. "I'm here with you and then I give YOU my full attention. Besides, I don't feel like dating at all."

"Are you seeing anyone?" I looked at him critically, because I couldn't imagine him keeping something like that to himself. After all, we were friends.

"No, but I like someone."

"Who?" Please say anyone else, just not my name. Please say I'm wrong and we can go back to being completely normal with each other....

He casually tossed his loose hair back and gave me a smile. "It's not that important, and besides, you didn't answer my question about the wedding."

"I'm going with Lexa." Relaxing, I sat back and took another sip from my cup.

"So, so, with Lexa then. So you guys get along well?" Was he serious?

"Bell, what kind of question is that? She's my friend, of course we get along or would you be with someone who didn't?"

"So no trouble in paradise?" He looked at me so hopefully that I had trouble suppressing a roll of my eyes.

"No, why should there be? I'm very happy with her." I didn't have to play my dreamy smile. It always appeared when I thought of the brunette beauty who had turned my life so upside down.

"After all, we see each other a lot and it could have been that she had a problem with it." Only now did I notice that he was still holding my hand and immediately withdrew it from him. Before I, hopefully, put a damper on him that made him let this subject go. "Why should she? Lexa is unrivaled and she knows it. Who, please, should be able to get to her?"

Bellamy's POV

That just was too much. Unrivaled? What was I to Clarke? Just a joke?

"What are you doing?" Confused, she looked at me. Clearly, she didn't understand me. "Unrivaled? Lexa is uncompetitive?! And what does that make me?!" I got louder and I could feel the anger rising inside me, but that was understandable.

I reached for her hand and tried to hold it, but she pulled it away from me and looked at me with wide eyes, which only increased my anger. "Are you seriously afraid of me?! Me, your best friend?"

May we always meet againDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora