"Why have you been avoiding me this past week?"

"I haven't been avoiding you."

I exhaled.

"We live in the same house and I haven't seen you in a week. I'd say that's avoiding me."

Why did I care, though? Hadn't I had enough trouble with Dylan? Why was I going to jump into something else when it was evident that nothing good could come out of it?

"I was busy."

I felt the blood boiling in my veins.

"Oh yeah? Well, I hope you stay busy for a long time." I acted like I was about to take off, but he stopped me.

"What are you insinuating?"

I knew my reaction was the exact opposite of the one I should have had. There was no reason for me to care if he was out living his life. Sure, we'd kissed a few times. Sure, I was attracted to him, and sure, I'd missed him, but that didn't detract from all the bad things Cole represented.

"Nothing," I replied. Why was I letting him affect me.

"Justin, you should stay away from me," he warned me.

"Is that what you want?"

"Yeah, it's what I want."

I'd be lying if I said his words didn't hurt. Now everything had been said. I turned away, promising myself I wouldn't get caught in his web.

But I wasn't good at keeping promises.


Work was great to keep me out of the house and away from the emotional burden of trying to ignore Cole twenty-four hours a day. One night, Jenna called me and invited me to a late dinner at a Mexican place, and I was dying for ten to come so I could go home and get ready. I took a quick shower and threw on a pair of shorts and a decent Polo shirt someone had given me a long time ago. I was in Palm Beach now — where better to wear it? I combed my hair back in a nice style that looked good to me.

I was trying not to think of how little time was left until college started or how weird it would be to be surrounded by strangers at a college full of unbearable rich kids. So that night, I was going to have fun.

Someone knocked on my bedroom door right when I finished getting dressed.

"Come in!" I shouted, tying my Jordan's, assuming it was my mother there to ask how my day had been.

How wrong I was. When it opened, I saw Cole on the threshold. I stared up at him, one shoe still in my hand. He was dressed in jeans, a black T-shirt, and sneakers. His black hair had the same bedhead look as always, and his blue eyes were staring at me coldly.

"Yes, preppy?" I asked, trying as hard as possible not to show him how angry I was.

"I heard you're coming out with me tonight?" he said in a distant tone.

I crossed my arms.

"Far as I know, I'm going out with Jenna, not

"Funny. I'm going out with Jenna... and Logan... and Katie." He put a certain emphasis on that last name.

Dammit, Jenna. Why didn't she tell me? I felt an explosion of jealousy.

"The plan was just to go out and have fun, so fine by me," I said, tired of arguing with him, tired of kissing and then getting angry with him. It was exhausting. I needed to find a way for us to get along. "Let's just party and have a good time," I said, forcing a completely unconvincing smile. His words hurt me, and the fact that he didn't want to touch me again hurt even more.

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