Chapter 6

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Cole's pov


"What the hell did you give him?" I asked the dickhead I was holding by the collar.

I could see the terror in his eyes. Good. It needed to be there.

"Answer me!" I shouted, cursing the day I'd ever met my stepbrother, cursing that moron Lyla for bringing him to a party like this.

"Jesus, dude!" The guy's eyes were like saucers. "Burundanga, okay!" he admitted when I slammed him into the wall.

Jesus. A rape drug. It was colorless and odorless and easy to slip into a drink without a person realizing it.

Just thinking about what could have happened clouded my mind, and I couldn't control myself.
What kind of dirtbag would do that to a person? When I finished with him, no one would be able to identify him from his license photo. My hands were going to look like pancakes by the time the night was over.

I hit him so much I lost count.

"Cole, stop!" a voice behind me shouted. I slammed my hand back into that bastard's face one last time before stopping.

"Bring that shit to another one of my parties again and it's going to be the last thing you'll ever do" I threatened him, making sure he'd heard every word. "Understood?"

He stumbled off, bleeding, trying to get as far away from me as possible, and I turned back around to find Justin terrified.

Something shifted inside me when I saw his expression. I couldn't stand him, I could happily have wrung his neck, but, damn, no one deserved to be drugged without their consent. By the look on his face, I could tell this night had taken Justin past his limits. I know I like girls, but it's something about Justin that makes me care.

I talk myself down, observing him as I walked over slowly. When I was close, he started walking backward, frighted and trembling.

"Justin, I'm not going to hurt you," I said. I felt like a criminal, and I hadn't even done anything.

When I left him, I just assumed he'd call his mom and she and my dad would pick him up and take him back home. I never thought he'd climb into the car of the first idiot who came along and show up at a party.

"What did he give me?" he asked, looking at me like I was a demon.

I sighed and looked up, trying to put my thoughts in order. My father had just called to ask where Justin was. His mother was worried, so I said I'd call her right back. I told him Justin was with me, at Miles's house, and we were watching a movie with his sister.

It was a lie, I made up on the spot. My father could never know what had happened tonight, i'd gotten out of too many bad situations for him to learn that nothing had actually change. It had been hard for me to keep my private life under wraps, and I sure wasn't going to let someone like Justin come and spoil it.

It hadn't even been a day, and he managed to be a bigger pain in my ass than any person I'd ever had the pleasure of meeting.

"You all right?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"I will kill you," he answered. I could see his eyelids were drooping. I needed to get him on the phone with his mom ASAP before the situation got worse.

"Yeah, let's take a rain check on that," I said, grabbing his arm. "You'll be all right. Try to relax."

When we reached my car, I opened the passenger side door and waited for him to sit down. Then I took out my phone.

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