Chapter 4

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Cole's POV

When he poured his contents onto my pants, I stood up immediately getting everyone's attention in the restaurant. Including my new stepmothers and my Dads.

Good thing for me is that I had a black pair of pants on, so it was unnoticeable. I can't believe that motherfucker poured his iced tea on me. I looked at him with such anger, and all he had on his face is a hidden smile.

"Excuse me. I spilled my drink on me," I tell my father as I walk to the bathroom. When I walked in, I checked under the stalls and seen how they were all empty. I unbuttoned my shirt and removed it, along with my pants.

I heard the door open, and I turned around immediately to see the person who did this to me. He saw me only in my navy blue Calvin Klein underwear, and he was only staring there. The look on his face kinda turned me on. The way he is standing there is doing something to me. I wish my Dad had never met his mom.

"What do you want?" I asked him. He shows me a stuffed bag in his hands. That looks like mine.

"Your dad told me you keep a extra change of clothes in your car."

"Okay, drop it." I demanded rudely. He did as I told him and he walked out.

After a few minutes, I went back, I couldn't let him act like that with me. I couldn't let some snot-nosed eighteen-year-old even think about trying some stunt like that with me again. He was going to find out what kind of big brother he'd lucked into. I'd let him know how much trouble he'd be in if he tried to play with me again.

I gave him a winning smile, and he looked back at me warily. I enjoyed seeing the fear hidden in his eyes between those long lashes. Nobody messes with Cole Williams.

"Don't do that again," I said whispering in his ear, feeling him shiver under my breath.

After a few seconds', he turned to his mother, and the evening went on without any more incidents. Justin didn't speak to me again, he didn't pay me any attention at all, and that bothered me and pleased me at the same time. While he answered my father's questions and talked unenthusiastically with his mother, I made my observations.

He was a simple guy. But I could tell he was going to cause me problems. Did he really order chicken tenders and fries at a fancy restaurant? He made me pause when I saw him come out of his bedroom, lingering over his long legs, his waist, and his abs. He was pretty hot considering he hadn't gone under the knife like most people in Palm Beach.

I had to admit — he was good looking, even more so than I'd thought at first, and other thoughts clouded my mood. I couldn't let a person like him distract me, especially not if we were living under the same roof.

I looked at his face again. He somewhat had a strong jawline. I couldn't stop staring at him. He looked so perfect in my eyes.

Before I knew it, Justin was turning to me with an irritated expression. He'd caught me staring.

"Want a photo, preppy?" he asked with that acidic humor I was starting to realize was a trademark.

"Yeah. Nude, obviously," I said, enjoying the slight redness in his cheeks. His eyes shone angrily.

"Maybe you should go ask that lovely waitress you kept ignoring, she looks like she wants you to fuck her everywhere, all. Night. Long." He turned back to our parents, who hadn't even noticed our bickering that was taking place a foot away from them.

"Why the waitress? Wish it was you instead?" I saw his cheeks, he was blushing. When I brought my soda to my lips, I could see the waitress looking at me from behind the bar. I checked to see if my father noticed and then excused myself, saying I was going to the bathroom, again. Justin seemed to follow me with his eyes, but I ignored him. I had something more important to deal with.

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