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7 years later..

"Daddy!"Ahyeon called for Jisoo with tears in her eyes.Jisoo carried his three years old daughter in his arms as she caressed her back,trying to soothe his baby.

"Why is my Ahyeon crying?"Jisoo asked.

"She boogsh!"Doyoung,Ahyeon's twin narrated,his hands making exaggerated moves.

"Her car just bumped into a tree,daddy."Yeji explained.

"Oh really?Are you hurt,sweetheart?"Jisoo asked.Ahyeon shook her head.

"My car..Ahyeon no car.."Ahyeon sobbed on Jisoo's shoulder.

"Don't worry,baby.Daddy will buy a new one for you alright?"

"Chu,there's barely scratches on the car,it's still totally usable don't waste money."Jennie told him.

"But Ahyeon doesn't like it anymore."Jisoo replied.

"You keep spoiling them I swear."Jennie said.

"What?I don't."

"Really?How old is Junghwan?"

"Eleven."Jisoo answered.

"And what did you buy him for his 11th birthday?"

"Oh come on Jennie of course it's just a car."

"Not just any car,Jisoo.You bought him his own Chevrolet like how is he supposed to use that?"Jennie scolded.

"He liked it.Maybe for collection."

"Oh really,Jisoo."Jennie rolled her eyes on Jisoo then she carried Ahyeon,to soothe and talk to her.She's the type of parent who's strict but sweet.Jisoo would simply give in to their kids,that's why he became the kids' favorite."Ahyeon baby,you can still use your car alright?You can still play with it."

"Really?"Ahyeon asked with a sniffle.


"Okay!"She got off Jennie's arms,Ahyeon ran back to her car and drove like nothing happened.They were at the playground Jisoo bought years ago,for Junghwan and their unborn child,that became Yeji years later.After Yeji was born,three years later Jennie gave birth to the twins,Doyoung and Ahyeon.t was a Saturday,so everyone's home.Jennie and Jisoo arranged their schedule at the hospital to have two days day off for their kids.Just as they thought,Junghwan grew up to be a calm and quiet kid.While his siblings was playing,he was sitting along with his parents with a book on his hand.

"Oppa,come play!"Yeji called.Jungwhan smiled.

"Alright."But when her siblings wanted him around,being the best oppa and hyung he is,he will immediately comply to their request.Jisoo held Jennie's hand.

"We did a great job raising them,don't we?"Jisoo said with a smile.

"Yup."Jennie replied.Together,they just watched their kids to their hearts content.

This is the best life.


Jennie looked at the time,it was already 10 pm.The kids were supposed to be in bed an hour ago,and Jisoo should have been back after putting them to bed.Jennie had her suspicions so she walked downstairs,slowly and unheard.She saw Jisoo sitting at the couch with Doyoung and Ahyeon on his lap,then Yeji and Junghwan in both of his sides with blanket over them.The television was open and everyone was holding a snack on their hand.Jennie sighed.

Making him do their bedtime routine is a very wrong choice.

"Kim Jisoo."Jennie called,Jisoo stiffened.

"Daddy,we're caught."Ahyeon whispered.

"I know."Jisoo whispered back.

"Take the snacks back at the pantry,kids.Jisoo,close the television and we will take them to sleep.

"But mom~"

"But Jendeuk~"

"Stop whining.Now come on kids.You're supposed to be sleeping right now.We can watch whatever we want some other time,stop sneaking behind mom's back.Leave mommy and daddy first we have to talk."Jennie said,throwing Jisoo a sharp glare.

"Okay let's go crew."Junghwan said.

"No Junghwan stay."Jisoo said,fearing for his life.

"Baby go."

"Yeji don't leave me!"Jisoo whined.


"Ahyeon I thought you're in my team!Hey Doyoung we're pals right?"

"Just go."And with Jennie's word,the kids left.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit."Jisoo kept chanting.

"And you mister."Jennie eyed Jisoo.


"I told you right?Never give in to what the kids wants,stop spoiling them.I don't want them to be spoiled brats."

"Just this once,hehe."

"That's what you said the last time.And before that.And before that too.Jisoo come on."Jisoo just pouted.

"Fine."Jennie smiled,pinching Jisoo's cheek.

"That's what I thought,cutie pie."Even it's been years,Jennie's effect never changed on Jisoo.Jisoo still blushes like a teenager with Jennie's compliments.

"Stop it."

"Okay now let's get the kids to bed."

Jisoo and Jennie were at their own room now,after getting the kids settled.Jisoo was waiting for Jennie to finish her night skin care routine as he reads his books.
But Jennie have some other things in mind.She's looking at herself on the mirror,then she looked at the pregnancy test in her hand.She knows Jisoo loves her endlessly.But in the back of her mind,she's scared.It's their fifth child,Jennie doesn't know if Jisoo wants more kids,or will he be happy with a new addition to their family.

God okay just tell him,Jennie.It's gonna be okay.

Jennie took a deep breath before leaving the bathroom.She sat next to Jisoo,hiding the pregnancy test on her back.

"Hey baby."Jisoo greeted her."Let's go sleep?"

"Wait.I..I have something to tell you but please don't get disappointed or mad?"Jisoo's forehead creased.

"How could I ever be angry with you?What is it,anyway?"Jennie leaned her body on the bed,closing her eyes before handing Jisoo the pregnancy test.Jisoo took it from his hand,then he examined Jennie's face.He smiled,then he kissed her forehead.Jennie slowly opened her eyes.

"You're not mad?"

"Are you kidding me,Jen?How could I be mad?Another child with you?God I feel like my heart's gonna explode in happiness!"Jisoo said,then he hugged Jennie."I love you,Jennie.I love you so so much.Why would you think that I won't want this?That I would be mad?"

"I don't know..I was just..I was just scared."Jisoo held Jennie's hand,then he kissed it.Then he kissed Jennie's lips.

"Jen,I assure you I'm so happy with this news,thank you so so much."

"But we have a problem,though."Jennie said.

"What is it?"

"How are we gonna break it to Ahyeon that she's no longer the baby of the family?"Jennie said.Jisoo chuckled.

"I did not thought about that."


Ending this book,thank you for all the love this book received!

ONE MORE TIME(JENSOO||JISOO GENDERBEND)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang