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"You want to take care of me?"Jisoo asked.

"Yes.I..I mean we can be still friends right?I am just concerned about you."Jennie said.Jisoo was a bit disappointed with the answer,maybe a specific word.

Friends?Oh yeah right.

"Right...we're friends of course how can we not be?Yeah we should be friends since we will co parent out kids right?"Jisoo said,trying his best to smile.

"Yup.I don't want you alone with this."Jennie said."If I'm not perfect as a wife,maybe I'll be good as a friend?"Jennie stated,still guilty that she just left Jisoo behind,alone with everything that had happened to him.

God Jennie what are you saying?You're more perfect than you know.

Jisoo thought,but he just kept it to himself.

"Thank you,Jennie."Jennie extended her hand to Jisoo,for a handshake.

"Let's be good friends,shall we?"Jisoo took her hand.

"Friends."Jisoo's phone rang."Oh wait.I'm just gonna answer this."He excused himself.

"Okay."Jisoo walked away a little bit,then he answered it.


"Jisoo-yah my old..friend."Then he heard a giggle.Just by the tone he knows who this is already.

"What the fuck do you need from me?I blocked you already aren't you gonna stop?"Jisoo spat.

"Chill,babe.Is that how you treat your child's mother?"

"For fuck's sake I know for a fact that the baby you had is not my child."The fact is,Jisoo had a girlfriend back in Canada for just a month or two as he tried to move on,but he realized that he can never love anyone else other than Jennie.That was a year ago and the woman still won't stop bugging him.

"Oh Jisoo..are you too sure about that?"

"Yes.Now fuck off."Then he ended the call,blocking the number then he slid the phone back in his pocket.

"You sound mad.Are you okay?"Jennie asked.Jisoo tried to smile.

"Yep.It's just some random woman."Jisoo said.

"Still the chick magnet,huh?"Jennie joked.Jisoo chuckled.

"Stop it."


Jisoo was nervous for some reason.Today is Jennie's first check up for the baby and Jisoo had so many things running on her head.

What if there's a complication?What if the baby won't grow like everyone else?What if my baby's deformed?How will I take care of my baby?

"Daddy!"Jisoo was snapped out of his thoughts as Junghwan hugged his legs.Junghwan insisted that he wanted to join them wherever they'd go,as he wanted to spend time with them.Jennie didn't mind as it's a weekend,Jisoo didn't mind much too,he planned the whole day so he could take his family out.

"Hello baby."Jisoo carried Junghwan.Jennie came out,just wearing a shirt tucked in her jeans.But for Jisoo,Jennie seems like a goddess.He couldn't be more in love.

"Hey Ji let's go."Jennie said.

"Oh yeah right right."They went to Jisoo's car,where the driver welcomed them.Jisoo got a driver for himself,just to be sure that he's safe.They hopped in the passenger seat,Junghwan in the middle,on his car seat.They headed to the hospital,then they all went to the obgyn.Jennie got one of her close friends,Sooyoung as her obstetrician.

"Hello to all of you."Sooyoung greeted them."You know I only let parents come here for the ultrasound but for you cute boy,I will make an exception."Sooyoung said on which Junghwan giggled."Okay let's do this."Jennie laid at the bed,then Sooyoung put a gel on her stomach.Jisoo was anxious for no reason.

"Jisoo,you don't have to be scared."Sooyoung said,as she noticed Jisoo's anxiousness."Oh there's your little one."Sooyoung pointed on the screen."That's the baby's head,then this is the body still developing."

"Wow."Jisoo breathed with a smile as he looked at the screen."My baby."

"Daddy I wanna see."Junghwan said,tiptoeing as hard as he can.Jisoo chuckled,then he carried him.

"There's our little bean."Jennie said as she smiled.

"Yeah baby's little.But why look like dot?"Junghwan said,earning a laugh from the adults.Jisoo can't stop smiling,looking at his son in his arms and the little angel on the monitor.

My family.

ONE MORE TIME(JENSOO||JISOO GENDERBEND)Where stories live. Discover now