School is Hell.

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Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay, but I hope you all enjoy it! Remember to like, comment, and react so I know that people are liking everything! Thank y'all for everything. <3


An hour later:

When I decided to help Scott. This... this was not what I meant.

I gasped as the alpha threw Derek across the parking lot. Before I knew what was happening, my feet were moving, and I was running to the school, Scott and Stiles right behind me. We slammed the door shut as we stumbled in. The boys put all of the weight on the door. Everything became eerily silent as we waited anxiously for something to happen.

Stiles' arm snaked around my waist and pulled me down to the floor when he realized I wasn't beside him. I glanced at him before accepting my fate and moving off his lap to sit next to Scott. If I wasn't scared shitless, my face would have gone beat red at the meer thought of sitting on Stiles's lap. My hands were shaking, and my entire body was actually. My eyes scanned the dark, empty hallway. There were multiple ways to get into this school, and we were sitting ducks waiting for something to happen.

"We have to get out of here," I whispered. Scott's body replied before he did. He sat up and turned to look out the door. "He's gone."

Stiles sat up next, looking carefully through the door. "What should we do?" He asked. "He's somewhere. He'll kill us if we leave."

"He'll kill us if we stay," I replied. Now we were three stupid little ducks in a row for the alpha. "We can get to your jeep."

As if on queue, the alpha stalked around the corner of Stiles' jeep, and we all three gasped before shooting back down so it couldn't see us. "We need to move," Scott insisted.

"We need a way to lock the door first," Stiles replied quietly.

"Does it look like we have a key?" I asked, waving up my arms. My brain is running a mile a minute, and I can't hold back my anxiety any longer. I was trying to be strong, but really, what's the point. "God, we're going to die."

"No, we're not," He countered, sending me a sharp glare. "Shut up."

"Yes, we are!" I hissed before turning to Scott. "And it's all your fault, Scott. I told you calling the alpha here was a stupid fucking plan. Oh, but no. You didn't listen to me. It's not as if I have all the common sense for the three of us put together!"

He shot up his hands in defense. "I'm sorry! I didn't think it through, I know," Scott quietly exclaimed. "Now can we figure out a way to lock the door so we can get the hell out of here?"

There was silence for a moment before Stiles spoke up. "I have an idea." We both turned to him, seeing the look forming on his face. He was going after the bolt cutters. I shook my head quickly.

"No," Scott replied quickly. "Stiles don't."

Before we could stop him, Stiles opened the door and slipped out. My body lunged after him before I could think, only to be pulled back by Scott. My heart felt like it wasn't beating as I watched Stiles cautiously make his way to the bolt cutters. The alpha appeared out of nowhere, charging after Stiles as he ran back to school. Scott and I watched anxiously as he made it to the door just in time, jamming the bolt cutters through the handle bars and momentarily werewolf proofing the door.

Once Stiles was in range I smacked his arm as hard as I could. "Ow!" He rang out. His eyes wide as he looked at me dumbfounded. "What was that for?!"

I glared at him. The fact that he didn't know just infuriated me more. "D-don't do that again! Ever." I warned, my voice thick and sharp, yet just enough weakness to show him I care even in the smallest amount. He stared at me for a moment before nodding.

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