Unfair Responsibility.

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Welcome back! I told you guys chapter 10 was coming! Enjoy the read, and let me know what you think by commenting and rating it!


My house had been chosen as the bi-weekly movie marathon destination. Scott usually joins us, but he was too busy having a date with Allison to come tonight. He had been ditching us a lot here lately. Sometimes, it gets on my nerves, and other times, I could care less. At this point, because it had become such a frequent thing, I could care less where he decides to spend his time.

I was excited to host movie night until I realized that I had zero movies for us to watch. Compared to Stiles' shelves of movies that are organized by dates and preferences, my movie collection was a ghost land. I had childhood movies like the Little Mermaid and Hercules. Not age appropriate movies for us to watch. I was left with no other option than to go to the movie store a couple blocks down.

It wasn't a long walk. The Blockbuster worker gave me a wave as I walked in. From the way the store looked, it seemed like I had been the first customer all day. It was 8 pm. I searched the isles for the movies Stiles asked for: 'Cowboys and Aliens' and 'Top Gun'. Once I found them, I looked for the movies I had picked: 'The Proposal' and 'Forrest Gump'.

The worker from before had disappeared, leaving me alone in the movie store. My anxiety started to grow as I looked for a sign of life anywhere. The sound of the door opening startled me. I turned to see who it was. Jackson Whittemore strolled in with a smug look on his face. I clenched my jaw to attempt to hide the foul that wanted to grow on my face. His eyes found me almost instantly, and he let out a heavy sigh.

"Of course," He said, annoyed by my presence. 

"I'm just here to buy movies, Jackass. Same as you." I rang the bell in the checkout counter, wanting nothing more than for the worker to come out and take my money.

He laughed and walked through one of the rows of movies. "Sure you are," He said. I wanted to punch that smug smile right off his face. Every time I talked to Jackson, it made me want to commit murder. His murder.

"God, can you not be an ass for one second?" I asked, not caring to hide the irritation in my voice.

"Where's the fun in that?" He replied. I eyed him carefully. He was going into the romance section of the store.

My eyebrow shot up, and I held back a smile. "I didn't know you were a romantic guy." The tone in my voice gave my amusement away immediately, and he sent me a sharp glare. "She's making you watch the notebook again, isn't she?"

He stared at me for a moment, sighing in frustration. "Can you just buy your stupid movies and leave already?" Jackson replied.

Obviously, that was a yes.
When Lydia and I were in middle school, before Jackson, she would make me watch the Notebook every time I came over. It was her favorite movie. It's good to know that not everything has changed about her.

"The guy is MIA." I waved my hand to the front. "See? No guy. We are the only ones here."

I watched Jackson's face tense as he looked around the store. Something seemed off now that I had taken my eyes off the front counter. When I took a step toward Jackson, my senses were filled with the smell of blood. Fresh blood. Five minutes old. I had been here at least ten. My stomach twisted as I watched Jackson walk in the direction of where the smell was coming from.

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